Location/place: Bangalore
Name of company/service: Q Cinemas
I went with family for Ice Age 4 in 3D in Q-Cinemas in ParkSquare, Bangalore and was charged Rs. 130 for 3D glasses out of which Rs.100 was told refundable. And Rs. 30 each glass was taken as maintenance.
We are given dirty glasses with fingerprints on the glass. No hygiene is maintained. Even no proper bill is provided for the charge.
FB link to the bill : [url]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=421698374532502&set=a.417326381636368.85523.100000770287821&type=1&theater[/url]
The manager could not give any justified answer to why Rs. 30 is charged. No proper document of charge is listed on web-site or inside the multiplex.
I believe this is unaccounted money and a scam going on.
Rs. 30 from each viewer in each show of 300 viewers make them snatch Rs.9000 from us. Our hard-earned money.
There can not be any separate charge apart from that of the ticket cost.
Please take a note of this. And stop charging unnecessarily for 3D glasses.
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