“SBI Credit Card EMI option transaction failure even after amount deduction”. I have tried booking a AUSU zenfone 5 on this E-commerce site thru my Credit Card, the site has deducted a total of 18000/-, 9000/- each 2 times and have said “PAYMENT FAILED”. They have not confirmed my order but have deducted my money and they say it takes 5-7 days to refund. Who are these people to use my money for their convinenece. I want the product with a refund ASAP. Total of 18000/- deducted and its a big money that needs time to be refunded. I”ll be charged for 18000/- on my credit card for the 5-7 days span of the deduction and these people earn free interest money from the 18000/- for the 5-7 days.


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