Wrongfully subscribed to VAS

Location/place: Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Name of company/service: Reliance GSM Service

I’m wrongfully charged by reliance company for various value added service packs, without me been applying to it, and on contacting their customer services they are just ignoring our calls and they are not unsubscribing it.
Will you take any action against them, b’coz it is 420 as they are looting us.


One response to “Wrongfully subscribed to VAS”

  1. RCOMcare Avatar

    Dear Customer,

    We regret the inconvenience caused to you. This is to inform you that your concern has been noted. Please provide us your contact details such as Full name, mobile no., and the type of Inconvenience you are facing, so that we are able reach you. Our team is eager to help you.



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