With reference to the captioned matter I, Shyamal Kumar Ghosh as a consumer want a complaint lodged against BSNL. The details of the case are as under.

I am using a BSNL post paid mobile number 9437487017 which belongs to the Orissa Circle and has been taken from BSNL’s Jatani Office. The bill generated for month of June was Rs.3100/-. I suspected that the billed amount was excessive because the usage hasn’t been as much. Thus I asked BSNL to provide me with my number’s detailed usage statistics. I had to go to their Jatani office 3 times just to get my usage. When calculated, the total usage according to their record comes to approximately Rs.1100/-. When asked to explain the difference in amount they could not give me an explanation. I tried to submit a written application asking them to recheck my bill. My application was not even accepted at Jatani Office and I was told to contact the Accounts Officer who sits at their Bhubaneswar Office.

So next I visited Bhubaneswar Office and submitted a written complaint. My application was returned back to me without any details of my bill. I have also registered an online complaint regarding this issue but have received no correspondence from BSNL.

Yesterday my outgoing facility has been barred and am facing a lot of problem. Kindly help. I am attaching the usage statistics provided to me by BSNL for ur reference.

Other Info:
Name Shyamal Kumar Ghosh
Phone Number 9437487018
Account number 378926695
Bill number 325114389
Bill date 01.07.2014


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