Wrong and damaged product received

>My Order #1027303585
>I received a different color shoes, as shown in picture, and also very poor quality product which is teared by just one use, how can you send such poor quality product, now I just want compensation of the product..
>And more over this is not first time, this heppend second time with me that I am delivered wrong product… And now its enough.. I just want full compensation for this product

>I’m sending you some shots of the product
Queries noted by me:
1. The product outer package was sealed.
2. The inner package was littrely damaged, it seems like the package was sent to 5-6 customers before me.
3. The shoes were colored different, as per photo The bottom line should be colored yellow… But I received the white line product
4. At backside of the shoes the number of the shoes is written with a pen as no 8, but as I wore it, I think that it’s no 7 not no 8.
5. Just by one use the, the shoe were teared from side (kindly see photo for reference)
On the basis of above all the queries, I just want full compensation and replacement of the product. as this is second time that I received wrong product(you can check the records too)
Kindly initiate refund.
Govinda Maheshwari

>IMG_20150623_234607.jpg – http://paytm .zendesk.com/attachments/token/FiEs4ewCtJHjHKEfhxmIilQQS/?name=IMG_20150623_234607.jpg
>IMG_20150623_234451.jpg – http://paytm .zendesk.com/attachments/token/UvR6gubf1p9un0MolY0RL6cUN/?name=IMG_20150623_234451.jpg
>IMG_20150623_234830.jpg – http://paytm .zendesk.com/attachments/token/ZcHFwxFUQVHbc0IRAp2ivEjBt/?name=IMG_20150623_234830.jpg
>IMG_20150623_234850.jpg – http://paytm .zendesk.com/attachments/token/LKeIsigVUiUoBWyscOo6IMVVn/?name=IMG_20150623_234850.jpg
>IMG_20150623_234438.jpg – http://paytm .zendesk.com/attachments/token/VZdMerJYGDiSPL8xNytTq1R5I/?name=IMG_20150623_234438.jpg
>IMG_20150623_234713_SHOT2SHOT2.jpg – http://paytm. zendesk.com/attachments/token/rJTZ3Rh95K4T5DCNJqNrN981h/?name=IMG_20150623_234713_SHOT2SHOT2.jpg


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