Location/place: Chennai
Name of company/service: Vodaphone
Hi, I had a problem in recharging my Netcruise card for internet. When I tried to recharge online through their website, I have been redirected to card payment, I have even completed VISA authentication. I have been again redirected to their website but I got the message “Sorry unable to process your request at this time, Please try again later”. So recharge did not happen. I tried the same again and got same error at end of my transaction. Then after two days I tried again and it was successfull. But In my credit card I have been charged for three times. So I tried contacting customer care 18001201111. It asked whether a new customer or old. I said old and gave my number, no one picked the call for 20 min. I tried again same waited for 30 mins. Then gave a new customer , immediately picked the call. I explained all, but they said they had to transfer the call to conser department and made me on hold for more then 20 mins. I tried again and explained the same, and asked then not to put on hold for long without solving my problem. But this time they said they will directly route the call and I was on wait for 30 mins again no response at all. Then I got frustrated and tried to raise compaint, so I got the number for complaints form their site itself. I finally called the complaint number 198. Again explained all, they said they will trasfer again and made me on hold for 30 mins. I dont know what has to be done.
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