Why to pay if there was no Service

Location/place: Noida UP

Name of company/service: Personal

Complaint No. 172269790 as on 12 feb / 9310594309‏

[email protected]

To [email protected], [email protected]

Strange that no one is reading this mail
no action is taken or no one willing to do any thing about this

unless the technical team visit and do the required nothing is gonna happen

amit sirohi

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: RE: ‘Reliance=009-965-699’ RE: Complaint No. 172269790 as on 12 feb / 9310594309
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 12:04:13 +0530

Dear Mr. Jain

I hope you are reading the below mail

Advice me your thoughts as i am still facing the problem and no solution nor anyone visited so far

though you have someone available to collect the payment due, which is no pint to pay as the service provided is poor

is it not ironic, almost a month and no positive response so far

best Rgds

Amit SIrohi


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