Location/place: New Delhi

Name of company/service: Vodafone Mobile Services Lim,ited

Dear Concern,

This is with reference to my Vodafone Post paid Number 8745002575 / Relationship No. 1.48199059 in Delhi – NCR Circle. Refer to the last Bill (No. 0168085549), generated for 24 Oct – 23 Nov 2012 period, Vodafone has sent me a fully manipulated & fake bill. The bill shows the cheating, harassing and illegal attitude of Vodafone. Vodafone has fully trained their employees to mis-commit, lie, cheat and exploit the customers to the maximum possible extent. Their never miss a single opportunity to screw the customer. They keep customers on hold for more than an hour and if they see that customer is still here, they disconnect the call.. They perform as crooks in deliberately manipulating the scenario for Vodafone. Vodafone alter their tag line to
Here are few (from the bunch) instances to prove every word in my above statement.
1. My phone was stolen on 27th October 2012, I called the Vodafone Care and informed them to block my number and issue a duplicate SIM. They promised to deliver the duplicated SIM at my address latest by 28th October 2012. Days went on and so is my call to Vodafone care, but duplicate SIM never reached my address. Each time when I call Vodafone, a new lie & readymade excuse was served to me.

On 02nd November 2012, I requested to permanently disconnect my number as Vodafone failed to provide me a duplicate SIM. On 02nd November 2012 at 19:30 hours, I received a call from Vodafone Retention Department that my number will be permanently disconnected in 1 hour.

In the bill, generated for 24 Oct – 23 Nov 2012 period, Vodafone the charged me full rental from 24.10.2012 to 23.11.2012, despite the fact that the number was permanently disconnected on 02nd November 2012.

Now they are lying that no permanent disconnection request is reflecting in Vodafone System… So Cheap and exploiting..

2. For the Period 24th Sep – 23rd Oct 2012, the billed amount was Rs. 569.78 with due date 12th Nov 2012. On 11th Nov 2012, I logged- in in my Vodafone account and made the payment of Rs. 773.84 (Total Billed + Unbilled Amount). Online Payment receipt attached for your reference.
Quick Bill Pay
Transaction Acknowledgement

Transaction Success.
Your payment has been successfully received as mentioned below. Payment in your Vodafone account will be updated in approximately 4 hours. Please quote your Payment ID for any queries pertaining to this transaction.

Payment ID
Transaction Date
11-11-2012 21:17:45
Mobile Number
Relationship Number
Email ID
[email protected]
Payment Amount (INR)
Payment through
Credit / Debit Cards

Vodafone has Charged Rs.100 + Taxes as late Payment Fee, claiming that payment was received by Vodafone on 15th Nov 2012 instead of 11th Nov 2012. Even my card statement proves that I have made payment of Rs. 773.84 on 11th Nov 2012. This reflects their level of manipulation and fake billing..

3. I requested for permanent disconnection of my number because Vodafone deliberately & repeatedly failed in providing me the duplicate SIM and kept on making fake promises and lie statements.

On my number 8745002575, there is no incoming or out going call after 27th Oct 2012, date when I requested to block my SIM. Also, I never received any duplicate SIM for my number.

But Fraud Business Icon Vodafone has debited – Reconnection charges of Rs. 22.67 + Taxes x 02 times (twice) for duplicate SIM, which they never delivered to me and that is why I got my connection disconnected.

Even after paying Rs. 773.84 (Total Billed + Unbilled Amount), they are demanding Rs. 330/-.

On 15th Nov 2012, I have informed the matter by email to the Vodafone Nodel officer but no response is received till date or may be they deliberately didn’t responded.
According to Vodafone, only their system is true and authentic in the whole world and nothing else. They have erased my complaint from their system and deliberately manipulating the information.

Vodafone has denied Online Payment / Transaction Receipt and Credit Card Statement which says that I have made payment on 11th Nov 2012. I never received any duplicate SIM (as Vodafone has no in-coming / out-going call detail of my number after 27th October 2012), but cheatingly charged Reconnection Fee twice which is never connected.

Even after so many call to report the concern to customer care, I have never received a single call from Vodafone..

If Vodafone deliberately do not respond to the above issues… I have pulled my socks to show the will-power of a common man and to answer every cheating act of Vodafone…

Pankaj Tyagi
+91 8800322575


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