I’m suffering from the same complain of Vodafone customers that Vodafone deduced my 30 rps balance for DNLD_SHORTFORMATS_99VALUEPACK_30_SHORTFORMAT
20 rps balance for DNLD_D2C_SPK_CENTILI_20_SPUNKMOBILE even i never subscribe for any sceam or any package.
It isn’t happening for first time with me. I also go to Vodafone customer care but they have no particular answer and jst said that your number had deducted for subscription.
And yaa it only happens when we activate Vodafone net package for “2G speed” . it nvr happens in 3G speed.
Please help me to get my balance reversed to my account.
My number is 09537742305
Vodafone deduced my balance without any reason.
One response to “Vodafone deduced my balance without any reason.”
forcely deducted Rs.99/= from my talk value.
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