Vegetable are getting spoiled In spite of lot of R&D done by LG Engineers

This is with reference to the LG latest 2 door Refrigerator purchased on 20.04.2014 model no. GL-D372RPHM.DBWZEBN(IN) and S.No. 403PRAW054568.

From the very first day we are facing the problem of vegetable getting spoiled, no of times we have called and got instructed the same by LG Customer care on phone to adjust the inner and outer temperature, but till now the problem is the same.

List of Complaint no’s registered but closed by LG themselves.
All the complaints are subjected with the same problem which is still not rectified.
1. RNA 140420066497
2. RNA 141212067986
3. RNA 141119010797
Every time either call comes from the LG to adjust the temperature or your executive comes and adjust the temperature and assures it will not happen if happen please call us again & complaint gets closed by a SMS fom LG……. so this is getting irritated.

In this Scenario where the vegetable prices are so high and we feel bit comfort by purchasing in bulk keeping in mind at least saved some hard earned money, but when this type of things happen after purchasing a high end Refrigerator of Reputed company it feels we are fooled n cheated.

I request LG Officials to look into this serious issue and resolve the same either by replacing the Refrigerator or getting it totally error free.

This is just a start with respect to the consumer rights.
Hope for a quick reply and prompt action.
Rajnish Rai
[email protected]


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