Unnecessary Operated and damaged my right hand

I got an injury (fracture) in my RIGHT HAND on 23 Aug 2013.
I admitted in Metro Hospital and my case was given to Dr. Harish Ghoota.
He advised to put a plate through surgery.

Following are the points which I feel, and so want to place a complaint against Metro and Dr. HARISH GHOOTA.

1) Dr. HARISH GHOOTA damaged important ligaments during surgery.
2) He placed a plate of Rs. 28000 in my hand which was not required at all.
3) They gave me a local Anesthesia in my Right Hand, which was also not good and place a bubble on my right under arms and still present for a life time.
4) I was searching for other Doctors to re-operate, and most of them asked who did this operation, Their comment was like that the surgery was not required at all.

I re operated by Dr. Vikas Gupta after 5+ months of 1st surgery (20th Feb 2014) .
He removed the plates and did the ligament replacement.

I am still not completely fit, I can’t rotate my hand completely. I can’t do more work with my right hand.

Today, I am only of 33 years old. But I am in depression also to think that how long I would be able to continue my job.
I am suffering with the pain in my Right hand.



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