Location/place: India
Name of company/service: student
my name is CHIRAG RAVAL and i’m a holder of tata docomo mobile number 8866985096. This is my second or third time by this telecom provider deducting my unreasonable amount of money from my prepaid balance account .i always use this card only for internet purpose in my dongal..not in mobile,and why u evrytime activated my extra pack and cut my balance even i didnt get call and msg forthis extra service,,,On 26/jan/2013 at 11.23AM MSG FROM 54321 for (your subscription to khan trivia pack has been renewd at rs 2.10 til 26/1/2013.without any call or msgs u can check,what the hell and bad service provide u with me again and again,i also registerd this complian for extra balance diduction consumerforums and it reslove from u,,and refunded 13rs to me,,but after 3 days i got this msg for cutting 2.10 rs ,,so this is not fare,,i have not given them permission for such deduction . After it when i called customer care and asked for it reason then its senior executive told me that he can’t refund my money because he cannot do so and he did not given me appropriate reason for it ,I already called 2 times in customer care,i asked him why he deducted my money then he told me some unappropriated reason for it which has nothing to do with my problem and just hang-up my call with satisfying me and also without refunding my money .and my last request to u,pls without inform dont activated my extra service,,everytime my sim card in dongal..and deactivated my all extra service,,
kindly provide me fair judgement for my this problem because this is my third time for unfair deduction of my money from my account i haven’t clicked on any link which is saying me that i’ll have to pay so and so amount for accessing it .i hope that i’ll get my money back soon and tata docomo will have a serious penalty for this unfair and unreasonable deduction,,
Thanx & Regards,
Chirag Raval
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