Transaction Amount NOT Credited to Ola (Bank confirmed: Ola received the amount)

I had a couple of transactions amounting to Rs. 3000. The amount was debited from my bank account and it was NOT credited into OLA money. The bank has clearly confirmed that the money has been received by the merchant. It has already been a month since I complained about this.

Despite repeated mails and hundreds of calls, no action has been taken by Ola. I have provided the bank statement as asked by them and still, no response. When I call, I get reassured that I would get callback or that the amount would credited within 24 hours. AND STILL NOTHING..

There are two transactions ( INET/PAY/ZAAKPAY/000007676829 ) and ( INET/PAY/ZAAKPAY/000007630652 ). Both transactions were of Rs.1500, so the total amount is of Rs.3000. Please look for these two accounts in my bank statement attached. Those are not yet credited into Ola money, neither are these refunded.

This kind of service is really despicable. Those are literally STEALING the consumer’s money. It has caused great mental stress and hassle. Please resolve this issue..


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