Tikona Internet Not Working from last one month

have got the tikona connection on 25th of march 2015 they given demo to me and it was working from the same night it start s creating problem and i m not able to connect complaining 4 times they sent a guy who again did something and showed us that it will work fine and again the same night it stops connecting unfortunately i had the number of the guy who came to resolevthe issue i called him and he came tommorow morning and again did something and said that there is some feasibility issue that accesspoint is to far so he will report to higher management they will do something so again i called customer care they said that they will send the area manager and he will check the feasibility and if the feasibily is not possible they will just return my money back , but i was waiting next day for that person but he didn’t came so i againg tried calling them but from last two days i m not able to connect to them…. and i m frustrated calling them and their free helpline number doesn’t work so i have to call them every time on their chargable number.. so i think i have spent 100 -200 rupees talking them so who give that money so while getting connection i paid 2250 and this 200 and i have not used intenet a single day….. this is worst


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