The Hindu Newspaper Subscription Fraud

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: The Hindu

My name is keshav, from Bangalore (Nagarbhavi).

On July 19th 2013, two sales executives of “The Hindu” newspaper gave me a offer of Rs 333 for 1 year subscription of “The Hindu” newspaper and a free bag.

I subscribed for the offer on the same day (July 19th), by my credit card and they gave me a free bag instantly,.

Rs: 333

Order No: BG 034569

ORDER Date: 19th July, 2013

The address on the recept is:
Kasturi & Sons Ltd,
Circulation Department, 19 &21,
Bhagwan Mahaweer Road, (Infantry Road), Bangalore – 560001

They promised that the paper will be coming from Aug 1st. Its already August 13th and still no signs of paper yet.

Sales executive Not responding

I have been calling the executive who signed me up for this offer.His number is 9632225626, Name is Manju..

Since Aug 1st and everytime i call him he says it comes tmw and other excuses. He does not call me or gives me any update. I myself have to call him everyday to get update but now he isnt responding. He does not answer my call now. Its been 13 days already and no update from the executive or from the Concerned Dept.

Customer care Not responding

I have also called the customer care number 180030700505 but they wont answer my call.

I fear that i have been scammed.I am going to file a consumer complaint for breach of SLA. Please dont fall into this trap, they wont listen to you after you paid for the subscription.



6 responses to “The Hindu Newspaper Subscription Fraud”

  1. ramesh babu r Avatar
    ramesh babu r

    Thanks Keshav
    In our flat also, few guys are marketing this and luckily , I got your response…
    Let me spread this to your flatmates.

  2. vijay kumar v Avatar
    vijay kumar v


    I got subscripbed to this offer on 2nd Aug 2013. I am getting Hindu news paper from last 10days.

  3. HI,
    I also subscribed for this offer nothing coming from them .Even they are not responding beware of these frauds

  4. For us also Not receiving The Hindu paper till now. Tried calling multiple times to subscription department at 180030700505 but not responding properly and sometimes they will give wrong information.

  5. I called to The Hindu office, Banglaore and cummunicated to Subcription head, and found some to address the issue.

    I request all who faced the problem call to the below number, where some one can hear about the problem and expect some positive response.


  6. shrikant pawar Avatar
    shrikant pawar

    i am planning to take this offer 333 readind above comment i am confused what shall i do? better dont take it?

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