Poor Service.
I have 2 Tata Vehicals. (GJ1HN1815 – GJ1RA3706)
The Service is Very Poor. Can’t Expect anything Worst.
I had given my vehical for Serivce at ASPI Cars Ahmedabad. GJ1HN1815
When i went to pickup the Vechical it was all muddy, Shabby from inside, Oil Spots on the Seat and Doors.
Engine Area had leaf Pattles on it.can see the mud around it.
the driver seat was torn from right side.
the total bill was 11,045/- of the paid service no good at all.
cas was making some noise when ideal.
the time taken to get the vehical was around 1 hour from service i have to leave my vehical there and come back.



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