Location/place: kanpur
Name of company/service: TATA DOCOMO
This is pertaining to the Complaint of TATA DOCOMO -Photon Plus , I have unfortunately used TATA Photon services in Kanpur ,however after some time because of the Bnadwidth speed I have decided to surrender the Connection , For Which I have given a written application to the TATA photon plus Executive , with Full and final settlement personally .
All seems well for the first 15 days , but suddenly I have started getting bills ( fixed Charges ) of TATA Docomo for which I started writing mails to them but in Vain.
Pls help us to resolve this Issue as these TATA docomo company is not listining and infact hired some third party agency for calling and stating fake legal cases.
I am attaching the copy of mails for reference.
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: khimraj bhatt
To: “[email protected]” ; “[email protected]”
Sent: Monday, 25 February 2013 11:01 AM
Subject: Tata photon Plus (9235067507) Termination of Services.
This is to bring in your kind notice that I have already given a written application for the termination of Photon services to TATA TELE SERVICES representative on 13 Jan 2013 , The day I had made payment on personal.
The representative has than assured that the services will be terminated and had done final bill payment. Assuming that the service will be terminated I have stopped using Photon services .
So , Why now I am getting bills and payment reminders. This your company need to check with the concerned dept and person why the same application has not been processed yet . If done then why I am getting these payment reminders.
I have done the Last Payment on 13 Jan 13 Vide Receipt no 10207166 , Book No 14144 Amount 790 Rs.
KhimRaj Bhatt
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: khimraj bhatt
To: “[email protected]”
Sent: Friday, 26 October 2012 11:43 PM
Subject: Tata photon Plus (9235067507) Termination of Services.
Dear Sir/Ma’m,
I have been a regular customer of TATA photon since 2007 , Initially and upto few months back I was quiet satisfied with the Surfing speed of Photon Plus . Certainly from the last few months the speed is not even satisfactory , company claims 3.1 Mbps upto 5 GB usage but hardly I get the speed of 1 MBPS .
So, Finally I have decided to quit with Tata and have moved to M-Blaze which is good in Uploading/Downloading , even better I have expected .
Request you to pls close my account (9235067507) and send me the bill for full and final settlement.
KhimRaj Bhatt
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