Taking the advance money and have deactivated for not verifying the address

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Tata Docomo


This is with regard to the complaint against the TATA Docomo/Photon #9243567165, the service was taken from one of sales executive who visited the house and after the usage of 15days the account has been deactivated due to non address verification. Address verification Executives from TATA never turned up on the requested timings and neither they have called up before they come for verification. When cheked with the outlet at Koramangala they said that the amount is gone and they cannot do anything and cannot activate the connection once again. Its a cheating from TATA teleservices and also they lack in providing any solutions.

Request you to consider this complaint and provide the solution at the earliest.



3 responses to “Taking the advance money and have deactivated for not verifying the address”

  1. Tata DOCOMO Avatar
    Tata DOCOMO

    Hi Divakar,

    We have received your complaint and we will ensure it is resolved soon.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

  2. Divakar Avatar

    Hi, I still havenot received any call against the complaint raised.

  3. Tata DOCOMO Avatar
    Tata DOCOMO

    Dear Divakar,

    The device has been disconnected on 12-Jun-2012 due to negative AV.Also if the device is disconnected the same cannot be provided to you again

    Thanks and Regards,
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

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