Location/place: Delhi

Name of company/service: hcl infosystems ltd

Dear sir,

I purchased a tablet online from hcl which was delivered on the night of 11 sep 2012. the tablet was not working properly so i filed a complaint on the customer care of company then i took it to the service centre complaint no 169120019. the very next day i recieved it back and the same night of 17 sep 2012 it stopped working. on 18 sep 2012 customer care told me to send a mail for the replacement on the e mail id HCLTOUCH.REG@HCL.COM. i sent the mail on 18 th sep 2012 but no replies came even after sending several mails. on 20th sep 2012 they gave me e mail id of nodal officer and asked to send the mail but no reply came . now the company is saying that the tablet is not replaceable as 10 days has been passed to the delivery. no perskn from hcl is ready to talk to me for this issue as they have got the payment so they are not concerned.
i request please take some necessary actions so as to get the things done.

Serial no of tablet- 512EDR002775
invoice no- 6650039791
please feel free to contact for further details.


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