Swati Impex – Scam and Fraud Company

Location/place: Patiala

Name of company/service: Swati Impex Gwalior

Swati Impex – Scam and Fraud Company
Beware of Swati Impex Gwalior (Scam and Fraud Company). Don’t deal with Swati Impex as his owner Shyam Goyal is a Scammer. He is a big liar in the world.
There is a lot to write but I will brief the experience which I have with SWATI IMPEX which is a Scam Company.
I Gagan Preet belong to Punjab Patiala and I am running my Trading Firm and Real Estate Firm. I just want to share my Experience while dealt with Mr. Shyam Goyal who is the owner of the Import and Export Company. I have not seen this type of liar person in my whole life. He is worst person in dealing and he is a fraud person.
We met on web and exchanged our numbers. Then he offered me a deal to book Upcoming Micromax A110 HD mobile sets. Price set was 12050/- per set. I have given him the Advance of 2.5 Lacs rupees for 100 Mobile Sets to book the order. He said when it will be launched then he will deliver me the Sets. But when mobile is launched then he did not delivered the sets.
I have ruined all my Business and Relations due to Swati Impex (Scam Company) as I had given commitment to my buyers which I did not get through. Then I asked him to refund the money then he agreed. Then he started lying on daily basis. He started disconnecting calls and on daily basis he sends me SMS that today 100% deposit will be done. At least he lied to me 100 TIMES. At last he gave the false scanned copy of cheque (Balance in his account was ZERO). Then I shouted at him then he started discussing his family matters which was unethical and non-professional.
I shared with you that no one deals with SWATI IMPEX (Fraud Company) and be a victim like me. SWATI Impex is a SCAM company and takes your money and start ignoring you.
Now I am filing a case of SCAM and FRAUD against him.
I had paid Penalty to my Buyers and ruined my All Business. Beware of this exporter as on the start Shyam Goyal is very polite but after you pay the money he will start ignoring you.
You can contact me anytime. I have the agreement between me and Shyam Goyal Swati Impex and also have all his recordings, false Cheque and all his chat records and you will get to know no one will a bigger liar then him in this world.
Details of Swati Impex (Scammer Company):
Shyam Goyal (08878942223, 08305827457)
Swati Goyal (09977267003)
IEC Code: 1111007632
Email: [email protected]
Skype: shyam2112
Address : Singhal Bhavan, Jayendra Ganj, Gwalior – 474001,Madhya Pradesh, India
Your Well-wisher.
You can contact me anytime at [email protected] or call me at 9872092110


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