Suspected fraud by GBIC

On 30th June 2020 I received a phone call from Ajay Verma mobile number 8800487160 purporting to be from Lokpal office, Bhubaneshwar regarding an insurance policy I am holding. He was speaking in Hindi and asked whether I received a letter sent on or about 30th March 2020. I told him that a lockdown was imposed due to Corona and I had not received any letter since then. He said that a claim amount of 3,25,000 penalty had been recovered from the insurance company and to contact Mr. Kamal Kant Batra (mobile number 09560613247) at Hyderabad office of GBIC for claiming the same.

When I contacted Batra, he sent me an image of the letter purportedly sent by GBIC on their letterhead in chaste Hindi, signed by Avinash D Sehgal, Senior Manager. The letter asked me to submit a copy of the insurance policy and other documents at the Lokpal court together with the requisite fees. I informed Batra that the lockdown in Mumbai had been extended to 31 July. He then asked me to submit the same online. The letter reads as follows:

Uday Rege

8:49 AM (0 minutes ago)

to me

बीमा लोकपाल विभाग Insurance Ombudsman Department tom soo4 Governing Body of Insurance Council (GBIC

संदर्भ। फ़ाइल संख्या आईआर 149

पत्रांक / सा०प०/शिकायत /जाँच/2019

सेवा में,

उदय घनश्याम रेगे

AT: 2nd Floor E/6, Saraswati Bldg.

Sitadevi Temple Road, Mumbai MH-400016


यह पत्र आप को सूचित करने हेतु है। बीमा लोकपाल द्वारा सभी पूर्व बीमा ग्राहकों को 325000.00 /- रुपये का सरकारी मुआबजा घोसित किया गया है, जिसमे आप की रिलायंस लाइफ बीमा, एगॉन रेलीगेअर कंपनी की और से धोके धरी से बीमा बेचने के तहत आप का नाम घोसित किया गया था।

फाइल संख्या IR149/2020, टोकन संख्या APH454520, जिसके अंतर्गत आप को बीमा लोकपाल की और से 325000.00 /- रूपये का मुआवजा दिया जायेग, जिसके लिए आप को कुछ जरुरी दस्तावेजों को मुआबजे के फार्म के साथ तथा फर्जी तरह से कराई गयी बीमा की प्रतिलिपि संग्लन करना अनिवार्य है। साथ ही फाइल हस्तांतरण का पंजीकरण शुल्क बीमा लोकपाल न्यायालय में जमा करना अनिवार्य होगा, जिसकी रसीद को अनापत्ति प्रमाण पत्र (NOC ) वर्ष 2020 के साथ जमा करने के 10 दिनों के भीतर राशि आप के पंजीकृत बैंक खाते में भेजा जायेगा.

फाइल पंजीकरण की अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप को फाइल अधिकारी से संपर्क कर सकते हैं।

सभी दस्तावेजों का सत्यापन प्रक्रिया पूर्ण होने के बाद मूल दस्तावेजों को विभाग के अधिकारी द्वारा देखा जा सकता है. यदि विभाग की और से किसी भी प्रकार की जानकारी प्राप्त करनी हो तो अपने सहायक फाइल अधिकारी को संपर्क कर सकते हैं।


आपका विश्वासपात्र

Mr. Avinash D. Sehgal Sr. Manager

बीमा लोकपाल विभाग Governing Body of Insurance Council (GBIC

दिनांक: 009/03/2020 

I suspected something was not alright, and I told Batra to donate the amount to PM Cares fund. The department seemed to have my residential address as well as my mobile number. This is for your information and necessary action.


7 responses to “Suspected fraud by GBIC”

  1. Pmli004485 payment not refund or not cantinues this policyissue

  2. Plz call me for this capmplen no pmli004485

  3. Many thanks for info.. today my dad got call.. this is fraud
    Govt of body insurances counclil dept — is fraud

  4. Ravi Kumar V Avatar
    Ravi Kumar V

    I am getting same calls from yesterday and today

    Mobile # from where I am getting calls – in my true caller all they
    show as HDFC life / Gbic HDFC etc

    1. 8505965391
    2. 9540996535 – Gbic
    3. 9873021974 – Gbic

    If this is a fraud, then why not the consumer forum taking action.

  5. same call with same script.
    its a fraud.

  6. I got a call from a person saying that he is speaking from LIC service department, and told me that the broker has claimed the 70% of the bonus associated to my LIC policies. He advised me to complaint against LIC in beema lokpal, Next day a person telling his name KK Bhattacharya from Beema Lokpal from the mobile number 8700422556 and told me that I have to purchase a new policy of the company which will recover the whole money of my LIC policies along with the bonus and agent commission. Next day a person Mr Ajay Kumar contacted me from the mobile number 7417343651 representing himself as a broker on my LIC policies and asked me withdraw the case from beema lokpal, when I refused to do so , he threatened me that he will spoil my all the money related to the LIC policies. I told this to Bhattacharya, Then KK Bhattacharya washed my brain that he blocked his broker code and the game starts, and Mr. Bhattacharya issued me a Edelweiss Tokio life Insurance policy of Rupees 52500/annual and told that this money will be returned me by the lokpaal. Then next day a person representing himself from GBIC Mr. Kuldeep contacted me from the number 8218088139 and asked me to purchase another policy to get the UIN number for the claim the amount from LIC INDIA against the case and told that it is mandatory as per new rules by IRDAI, he said that a bonus amount will pe paid to me against this UIN rest of amount will be paid later by IRDAI . And then I told to Mr KK Bhattacharya about this. After some time Bhattacharya contacted me again and said that as per new rule I have to purchase a new policy and a policy from Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company with premium amount Rupees 143161/ annual. It is going on for two or three days they are saying me that the payment file is sent to IRDAI for the payment of bonus amount. I contacted both persons regularly, but their reply remain same that file has been sent and it is under process. Then a new person Mr. Rohit contacted me from the mobile number 9990893698 representing himself from LIC INDIA, and my my file came to LIC office for the claim and asked me that as my claim amount is more than 15 Lakh therefore I have to submit NOC, to make a NOC he advise me to either fom government or from insurance sector. he said that NOC by insurance is refundable but if I go through the government it in non refundable. Then he asked me to find some person other than me and my nominee to submit the NOC on behalf of me and they forced me to purchase two more policies. Then i purchased two policies from the same companies Bharti AXA Life & Edelweiss Tokio life amounting Rs 99,999/- and 52,786/- annual premiums, After that I asked to Mr KK Bhattacharya to mail me the full details of my CASE against LIC India, He send nothing to me, and now they don’t receive the call when I try to contact them. They call me later and saying the new thing that claim files from DECEMBER-2020 are pending and are under process and it will take time for the payment.
    Then I went to my hometown and visited my home branch of LIC INDIA. And I was shocked with the answer, they told me there is nothing like this and my all the policies are in force.
    Finally I was looted by the group of these people, all are fraud.

  7. Thanks for the information-same calls i am getting from the same no. are-8700422556 8218088139 the person is saying your PNB MetLife policies all the bonus & benefits going to your agent bcoz he put his code there. n we are from GBIC so we will help you to take all benefits & bonus from your policy for this u have to buy new policy just for few months & we will transfer your PNB policy to new policy which is Tokio life Insurance with all bonus & benefits.
    Then i visited to PNB MetLife office to check the matter and asked them what’s happening with my policy. they told me its a fraud call sir. your policy is safe all benefits n bonus u will get only. be careful from this fraud people.

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