SMSGATEWAYHUB is 100% fraud company.. Gurpreet is head of this company. and abbas.. ye sab chor hai .. dont buy any SMS with them. neither they can provide you proper service nor they will refund your money.. even they will deduct your sms and say sms delivered they will give lots of excuses. no of them will pick up there phone & they will provide wrong customer care no.s.. today i filed complaint against all of chor.also i am also fight the case in consumer forum.
if any body have complaints against them we can fight together..
SMSGATEWAYHUB – is 100% fraud company – No Refund – No Support – No SMS Delivery
One response to “SMSGATEWAYHUB – is 100% fraud company – No Refund – No Support – No SMS Delivery”
hello Complainer,
1. Required your Name Not Mention in Complaint 2. you have not Mention your User ID/Email ID/Mobile No. in this Complaint. 3. even you have created new email id for register this Complain. 4. Provide us Support Ticket ID of your complaint where you complaint 1st to resolve the Problem, ,
If you have any issue then drop mail to and mention your user ID over there.
Note : Dear Viewers…They all are fake Complaint entered by Different SMS Service Providers
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