Shop Hunk Fraud

Location/place: Khanna

Name of company/service: Shop Hunk

Before some days I paid money Rs.399 for a contest for iPhone 4S.When is signed up it showed me that contest will finished after eg.23:49:23 Mins.
I visited their website daily it is showing me the same thing.When I called their number it is coming switched off daily.The Number is 08065476384.
Please help


391 responses to “Shop Hunk Fraud”

  1. you’r right, this looks fraud to me, currently the contest is: Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for only INR. 699, and like you mentioned that it showed you that contest will finish after specific period of times?
    well i refreshed after one hour and again it started from 11:29 same as it started an hour ago.
    try not to use your credit or debit cards, i’d rather prefer to pay by paypal than using my credit card otherwise it is really trusted like ebay

  2. Thank you for your valuable comment to saved me… thnx

  3. Thanks for your informastion about such fraud sites.

  4. +91 85 47 101853 try this. They called me after i signed up feom this number

  5. Its Fraud website Kindly don’t buy anything from them else you will face as i faced still my investigation is going with my bank as it was a fraudulent transaction

  6. Biggest Froud, dont even bother shoping here.

  7. check out this nunber : 08067683698

  8. Sayeed Khan Avatar
    Sayeed Khan

    Thanks a lot buddy for your valuable suggestions, let us transmit the same to others

  9. thank u so much dude

  10. its fraud i had 399 Rs. for i fone4 but got nothing.shopshunk is fraud.

  11. Police main report karo iski…cycber crime cell me…

    report it to police.

  12. i has been paid rs899 for samsung galaxy note2 but still now they has been sent to me

  13. binod gupta Avatar
    binod gupta

    Today looking at some attractive offer, we did shop for Samsung note 2 and paid Rs. 899. After the transaction completed, it changed to contest offer. Called customer care published on their webpage(0867683698) which has an IVR but whichever option we chose, call did not connect to customer care. No address mentioned. Surely a fraud company.

    Need guidance to log the complaint to Cyber cell.

    Binod Gupta

  14. pattinson Avatar

    thhankyou you saved me also

  15. dear sir
    shop hunk totally fraud site this site congrutulate to you. you win samsung galaxy.after if you buy the product as like 799 rupee transaction my account .and then see massage this is yours this site totally fraud……………………….

  16. Same happened to me too. I paid 799 for Samsung galaxy s4, but they are no picking up my phone. I am thinking to do a FIR against them.

  17. abishek majumdar you do fir against shop hunk

  18. V K Nair Avatar
    V K Nair

    Its true, we should not be influenced with such a fraud offers. Rather I am victim of Bata also. I have booked an article on 5th Jan 2013 but the same has neither shipped nor amount refunded.

  19. Jagmohan Tyagi Avatar
    Jagmohan Tyagi

    i have paid full amount but still waiting my product, Somebody please help me.
    Dear Jagmohan Tyagi,
    Thank you for shopping with us.
    We will be shipping you the product for the below mentioned address
    Your order as follows:

    1 Apple iphone 4s 16 GB 37219 1 37219
    Shipping(+) 120
    Total 37339
    GRAND TOTAL 37339

    Billing Information:

    Shipping Information:

    Delivery Contact No: 9871099631

    NOTE:Your username and password has been sent to your email id.
    Product will reach you in 7-10 working days.
    Your shophunk Transaction Number is 324523

    shophunk Customer care
    Customer Care:
    Contact Number:08067683698


  20. Jagmohan Tyagi Avatar
    Jagmohan Tyagi

    Today on 21st may is 8th day. i will update soon if i will get my product.

  21. I also paid Rs. 899 to shophunk for Samsung Galaxy S4 on 9th-May-2013, After that I called so many time on the pblished customer care no. 0867683698, but there is no response from customer care, noboady is picking my call.
    Please help.

  22. ARUMUGAM Avatar

    I transfer the amount Rs-899-/to shophunk.But i received mail from shophunk registration is successfull.I need samsung mobile because already paid amount.
    Customer care no is not reachable.

    Definitely i will complaint to cybercrime police

  23. DEAR ALL

  24. sivananth Avatar

    i lost my money in the same website. i registered and recieved al the acknowledgement and got the credit balance in my account but i could n’t purchase a single item and the thing is i could n’t unsubscribe from the account and no response for yel a lot of calls to 8067683698 & 8123322223 it will be fine if i get get my money refunded.

  25. Venkata Akella Avatar
    Venkata Akella

    Thanks for sharing the info. I was tempted to do the purchase, but after looking at these mails I am droping this idea.

  26. i am safe becouse i m fill this is froud company thats i m not fill saving account no
    i m requested any person compline in poolice station thanks for this

  27. thank you cyber world! Y’ve saved my day…..Sharat

  28. I spent nearly Rs.2000 to purchase two mobile phones on discount. They said that the I would receive the mobile in one months time if I win the contest or buy Amy other article for the same amount of money. Now it’s been over two months and when contacted the phone is always busy or switched off.

  29. They should rename the site name to SHOP”JUNK”

  30. This Website is fake and they have earned a lot of money by their fraudulent activities. I paid 800 for the contest and then I tried to buy product but nothing worked. I am not hoping any money back but will make sure they can not carry on for long like this.

  31.  Avatar

    this is totally fake website how it could be possible that 50 thousand thing can afford only 699rs. this is fraud company website govt should banned this type of website immedatley

  32. i have lost my money in the same website. i registered and recieved all the acknowledgement

    Thank you for shopping with us. Your transaction is successful.
    Congratulations…payment successful

    Thank you for participating in contest.You have successfully registered for shophunk contest . We will be updating you on the result by email .

    Rs.499 has been credited to your here to check your account

    Your shophunk Transaction Id : 337082
    Note: Your username and password has been sent to your email id..

    For any kind of queries please call customer care: 08065476384 or

    But till date nothing is received.

  33. Ashish Sinha Avatar
    Ashish Sinha

    The same fraud i faced when i call to the mentioned no on the site i got even a docket no of DTDC – B93573777, the guy on other side told me that u’ll get ur package since monday, when i track this docket no i found there is no such docket no exists….
    plz update me if anyone get the product from SHOPHUNK or the ph no where i can place my details..

  34.  Avatar

    The offers on the site are very tempting, but logically, why would someone give away a cell worth 50k just for Rs.699? Isn’t the huge discount offered, a warning signal that something is fishy here?

    SUPARN PADMA PATRA This works like where you have to
    buy a voucher to purchase in the
    contests. In which you will either
    win or the amount is given into
    your account.
    This works same as bestbuy
    All are moderately to High priced
    Its based in bangalore, same as
    It looks like its a one more version
    of 100bestbuy..

    So beaware while buying anything
    on shophunk. I’m sure you will
    never win but your money will get
    stuck up with shophunk.

    If want money back then plz all victims complain at
    m also one amongst u.
    Inspite of being aware.of these things traped.
    Feeling shame on my computer knowledge.

  36. suil kumar Avatar
    suil kumar

    100% fraud hai,

  37. Arnab Roy Chowdhury Avatar
    Arnab Roy Chowdhury

    I purchased a product on May 25th and they still have not delivered it yet. When I called their customer care, they are saying that it has not been dispatched yet. Requesting everyone to register a complaint against them to police. This is a fraud company.

  38. Oh f… I did shop for 699. Smthing mst do for ths site.


    I was also thinking that shophunk is fraud but today i received my product. Contest is one of the way to take money in advance. I am sure if anyone will take part in contest and order nothing then his/her money will be waste. contest is completely fraud.

    One Drawback that i found in shophunk is that It doesn’t give shipping or tracing number like flipkart etc.

    So its a kind advice that STOP shopping from


    It might be the result of my complain against that i received my product. BUT I will never do shopping through shophunk………

  41. thanks for writing n telling abt shop hunk
    m very thankful by the information

  42. Dear Sir,
    Not received yet any mail or confirmation as i have already paid from my amount and please send me the same as or else i will be unhappy to filed an case in the court of Justice as per the IPC section and your norms….

    Awaiting reply from your end,
    Best Regards,
    Arijit Baneerjee

    Please reply??????????????????

  43. vinaayak mehta Avatar
    vinaayak mehta

    did any one of you get your money back..?
    I also lost Rs. 899 for samsumng S3…

  44. What i will suggest you all is to complaint to police so that these people wont repeat these kind of fraudulent activities.. And remember one thing costlier things wont get for this cheep prizes , these folks exploit human’s greediness .. So take care

  45. Suvarthi Das Avatar
    Suvarthi Das

    Today I found this site for online addressal of complaint. You all can complain here.
    I also ordered a Head-phone from 4 days ago. But after seeing all of those grievances and complaint above, I am not sure whether I’ll get my product delivered. 🙁 Did anyone got any product from Shophunk ?

  46. I am agree with lot of person’s dissatisfactions with Shophunk site as I too have been the victim of the same.A few days ago Rs899/- was snatched from my Debit-Card in deception of giving me Samsung-Galaxy-S4.But instead of providing so,some unsatisfying descriptions are being shown at the site.Now we are going in the shelter of Consumer Forum to lodge a complaint against the site.I warn everybody not to go by this way of cheating.

  47. absolutely idiots, i’ve been participate in a contest with 799 s4 samsung before 3 months and they ddelivred 100rs wrist watch,


  49. Thanks for the update… I was about to make a payment but got saved…

  50. Oh no! I have also been the one who has been cheated by shophunk fraud. I have paid Rs. 699/- today without checking your this blog. After payment, I saw the blog and now could understand what has happened with me. Please suggest, what should I do now.

  51. Before some days back i fill my details in shophunk contest..for sumsung grand..i paid rs 499…i cheats me..yet not reply..while i contacting on their contsct no their are not picking the call..i want to esclate this..i want my money back any how.

  52. Thanks..

  53. Altaf PAtel Avatar
    Altaf PAtel

    Yes, this website is fraud. They offered me Galaxy S4. Fortunately I searched for reputation of the website on Google and got this forum. Thanks all ! They seem to be from marketing company, collecting user contact details effectively through alluring schemes.

  54. I am just amazed how stupid people are! How can anyone in the world give you a samsung s4 or an iphone 4s for Rs 800 and 500 respectively. And when they dont deliver the same to you. You want to sue them and go to police just because you paid 500Rs.
    Believe me, the world is full of these kind of frauds. And looking at fools like you, I have no doubt that these things would never stop.
    Now, relax and thank this site for teaching you a good lesson. If they wont have robbed you then some other might have robbed you for a much higher amount.
    Forget the money. The lesson is worth a couple of lacks that you fools would have otherwise lost!

  55. Chhaya Padwalkar Avatar
    Chhaya Padwalkar

    My husband transferred Rs 799/- for the contest of samsung phone on 05/07/13.The transaction ID is 455711 & verification no. is 246507 received by return mail but there is no response after that .
    Is it a fraud ?
    Pl. help ….

  56. Congratulations to all the losers who are complaining fraud here!! It is your greed that led you there! How can any person with enough education to make an online purchase be dumb enough to believe this – haha next you will be complaining about the Greg British lottery ! Come on guys use your brain if the offer seems to good to be true it probably is a scam! Instead of crying over spilt milk here – please take the physical effort of visiting you local CCS police station and lodge a complaint – and keep your greed in check next time around.

  57. thanks for share , i just going to pay 4999 for samsung galaxy 4 and my friend told me about this blog, i m safe now. thanks to save me from this cheaters.

  58. What is the cyber police doing kindly call me on 9980008792 so that we can form a team and go behind this buggers .

  59. P.K.Patel Avatar

    I have made an online payment for Rs.4999 for the Samsung Galaxy s4 contest and got a mail confirmation that I have been registered successfully. I am tryng to reach the customer care number but it is never reachable. I think that I have been cheated.

    We need to lodge a police complaint regarding this. I request all those who hve been a victim of this to lodge a complaint in nearest police station.

  60. Thankyou guyz you saved me.. 4999 rs for samsung galaxy 4 with zinc tablet.
    Consumerforum should contact Department of Telecommunications to ban these kind of websites.
    like department is doing the same and showing below message
    “This website/URL has been blocked until further notice either pursuant to Court orders or on the Directions issued by the Department of Telecommunications”

  61.  Avatar

    Yes shophunk is fraud itne gareeeb hai to kuch standard bnane ki koshish kro logo k paise ku chura rhe ho

  62. ashish you are loss yours money

  63. I loss my money 599 fraud website west my money

  64. Thanks all u guys… Got a mail frm them abut Some new fraud scheme

  65. Maninder pal singh Avatar
    Maninder pal singh

    I have also been the one who has been cheated by shophunk fraud. I have paid Rs. 699/- and everyday it shows same time remaining. After some days i purchased philips head phone from my credit points with extra shipment payment of 120 bust still my order not received . Kindly let me know if any body receive his/her order.

  66. mohammed kerala Avatar
    mohammed kerala

    I Just got dout after booking and before payment so i search in complaint box…oh GOD u helped…thanking all for u complaint.

  67. friends its a fraud site . the amount they show to just get your attention you get nothing

  68. I also did the same mistake, but got the product after 3 months.
    How : I called the jagoo grahak jagoo and they told me to send the the legal notice.
    Once i sent them the legal notice they after calling me regularly and delivered the product. So, if u also got into this trouble, just let me know u will surely get ur product.

  69. My email : I will send u the complete procedure to do complaint.

  70. SHOPHUNK online shopping site is fraud… So don’t pay or don’t participate any contest on the same site and inform to everyone to save the money



  72. Thanks for saving me from loosing money.

  73. Govt should stop like this site, Totally fraud concern

  74. Haha… Such scams work only in India 😀 Its simple logic. How can someone sell you anything for Rs.799, etc and go in a huge loss ! What will they gain from such contests ! I wouldn’t waste my time on these contests !

  75. its fraud cheat company.i lost my 799rs in samsung s2 before 1week

  76. Shyam Maletha Avatar
    Shyam Maletha

    Guys I got this mail today 5th August 2013
    got suspicious in first place
    Hence, eager to know more about ,Found Fraud…

    Well…whenever you get the Haft discount offer from any such fraud coy’s
    plz also try to look the domain who is details (its goes no where) they are hiding their info too
    Beware !!!
    this guys is silent for some time , again strike back
    most of the people lost less, but these guys made big 🙂
    Bottom-line : Nothing comes Free Do not
    Take care

  77. is an fraud company…if u buy any product from them…u can’t track…no customer support..nothing..u will be blind until u get the product(if they send)….

  78. Santosh Mule Avatar
    Santosh Mule

    I also participated in the shophunk contest and also my 899 Rs were deducted from I my debit card ,when I contacted them the customer care no is busy and when some one picks up the phone they have no idea about that , so I think these people are really fraud people and we should be alert from them other online purchase websites are Ok such as Tradus, YEPMEE, MYTRA. So govt must take action on them.

  79. Rahul Soni Avatar
    Rahul Soni

    Congrats your name shortlisted for the offer on Samsung Galaxy S IV Mobile
    Buy Samsung Galaxy S4 & Get Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Free….
    Just Rs 8999/-

    Thanks for the update… I was about to make a payment but got saved…

    Pls be aware of this fake mails and offers…

  80. plz don’t use this shophunk it is fraud I going to complaint to friend he is working in cyber crime and I also lost my money 899

  81. thanks to indian consumerforum but sad to see so many have been cheated what i have to say is for any online purchase dont give ur cvv no and first consult at

  82. in spite of reading in news papers of various frauds we indians still dont seem to have learnt getting money easily is sure to be doubted please dont give your cvv no 3 digit at the back of ur card jai hind

  83. Thanks to all of you guys to save me from this fraud site…..

  84. The main reason is “greed”. Nothing will come for free. For each product, there is a margin and it depends on the seller on what margin he reserves for himself and how much discount he gives to public. That is the reason in price differences in various places. You won’t get anything for free unless someone specifically decides to gift you. Beware.

  85. shophunk is good

  86. shahid attar Avatar
    shahid attar

    Before some days I paid money Rs.799 for a contest for glaxy S4.When is signed up it showed me that contest will finished after eg.23:49:23 Mins.
    I visited their website daily it is showing me the same thing.When I called their number it is coming switched off daily.The Number is 08065476384.
    Please help
    contact Person – : shahid attar

  87. If there is no-body respond to the complaint from shop-hunk.

    I think you should register your complaints here


  88. Hello hai i have transferd on 2-8-2013 Rs. 6999 for Samsung s4 for they have told next month 2nd you will phone through luck draw, noe they are saying that u number has not come, when i give call them frequently they are not replying properly now tomorrow iam giveing compliant in the police station against the company pleasse join with me any body intrested let me know

  89. jayesh bhamat Avatar
    jayesh bhamat

    i am not received for the login id and password please send the my email id


  91. Bimal Sankar Mishra Avatar
    Bimal Sankar Mishra

    This web site i.e SHOPHUNC is looting so many people daily through email specially in the name of contest for Mobile set with more than 90 % discount rate. Why police is not interfering to restrict this cyber crime.


  93. thank you all for such a great info

  94. Thank You for your valuable comments. I saved my amount

  95. Thanks for the update ….friends !! I m also going to buy but now not …….Thanks

  96. shophunk is fraud.

  97. Those who need cyber cell number can easily search Google. here is the link ( )

  98. Guys….. Even i am fighting to get the samsung galaxy tab 3 (16 gb) whcih i have paid 8999/- against some contest.. In which they have promised to send the Samsung galaxy tab 3 (16gb) from 8th of August till now i have been struggling to get the product…. they never call back or respond to the emails. I have been calling every day and squandering my energy and effort. if the thinks doesn’t happens properly then this needs to be taken legally.

    I have some numbers you people can try those who still trying to contact them
    customer care # 080 – 6768 3698
    Delivery Dept # +91 8123366663

    I never had issue with any online shopping except this F!#!$$#!g SHOPHUNK….. Please do not ever do online shopping with this site………….

  99. Thank you for saving me ! i was planning to get in a contest with paying 10 k for Samsung S4 ! Damn ! Why Goverment is not taking any action ! Ohh ! I forgot actually they are also like ShopHunk ! Looting India !

  100. lokesh murera Avatar
    lokesh murera

    plin mre ragistar …

  101. varun chauhan Avatar
    varun chauhan

    The coumpani is fraud. They called me you have won the semsung gelexi for Rs.699 at last six month past but that coumpani not diliver the particular phone at this time.

  102. few days dack i had registered in shophunk & paid rs.699/- but there is no reply…………

  103. thank u very much.

  104. 3 days befour shop hunk mail received my id . Oh ! God thanks for good information . I saved my money

  105. i got mail from that i have to pay 9999rs and will get s4 and tab3 of samsung.. thanks for update.. i was about to pay.. fraudulent site…

  106. Thank you all for your valuable comments. I just tried to verify if these guys were frauds and from your comments, I learned that it is.
    Thank you again for posting the information from your experience tha it has saved many from committing the same.

  107. aqil shareef mohammed Avatar
    aqil shareef mohammed

    Oh no! I have also been the one who has been cheated by shophunk fraud. I have paid Rs. 799/- today without checking your this blog. After payment, I saw the blog and now could understand what has happened with me. Please suggest, what should I do now.

  108. I am participating galexy grand last week contest but the result i am not finding and the customer care executive cant take may call.and i am worngly selected the product in 100 best buy .com then i talk with customer cares executiv he will help me to refund my credit so i can buy another prduct from this websit but he can’t credit till date so plse help me

  109. thanks dosto
    they also give me s4 in 699


  111. i too had a similar problem with this i paid Rs.8999 for samsun galaxy s4 contest with Tab 3 free even if you don’t win the contest , its been 2 months now they didn’t give the tab and also not giving proper response. i used this 8999 to buy another mobile from shophunk and got the product after 1 month when i bugged then daily calling the customer care…. but till now i didn’t get the tab they promised. everytime i call then they comeup with the same answer we will send it to you there is delay in shipping as the shipment has to come from korea and they don’t respond properly.

    these are the numbers call them after 10.30 am and before 6 pm .

    Customer care number: 080-67683698
    another mobile number which they called me..9035002226
    they tell he is the manager but don’t sound like a manger by name anand : 9342922214

    anyone please advice how we can teach these guys a lesson….

  112. Thanks for the valuable information. Why this can n’t posted in face book

  113. shophunk is one of the fraud website in india pls dont beleave it

  114. Lets all together file a police complaint?

  115. Thanks guys…..for your comments….Thank GOD!!!! i have escaped…..

  116. Its a well planned Fraud website..Custome care never works…Dont get cheated!!

  117. To add on to my previous comment, the email gets generated from ….If it was genuine why should they send email from some other names????

  118. I just read sum comments, n I laughd my fat ass out, mere paise le liye, mere paise le liye, 1st tell me how d f**k can u get a 25K phone jus for 699 rps! Losers! Contest website hai , lol

  119. thanks a lot guys………….. you saved my money too…..

  120. Oh no! I have also been the one who has been cheated by shophunk fraud. I have paid Rs. 799/- before 2 days without checking your this blog. After payment, I saw the blog and now could understand what has happened with me. Please suggest, what should I do now.

  121. in india ..why people think this way? remember this one line…nobody can give you anything .in terms of good return which is illogical need to think first ..what is happening to them..who are giving iphone for just #699

  122. Thank you for save to me………

  123. Vijay Sharma Avatar
    Vijay Sharma

    I have participated in Shophunk Contest on 13th September 2013 on for Samsung Galaxy S4 + Ensured Complementary Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 16GB. The result of the contest is announced on 2nd October 2013 and still they have not dispatched Free Samsung galaxy tab 3 16GB. They have given me every time different reason and postponed dispatch date. Now, they say they do not have in stock and they may send some other product. I have asked for the full refund but they denied. Please tell me how can I resolve this problem. I have tried to all below numbers but every time they fool me… Customer care number: 080-67683698 they tell he is the manager but don’t sound like a manger by name tiwari : 9620082333

  124. Before you make a purchase, please think about it twice!!
    Feel free to lodge a complaint about and sites like these to cyber crime India.
    I did my part and you???
    Here are the details with e-mail address.


  125. Thank you all for saving me. I am going to spread out this blog to my network.

  126. it is fraud

  127. i have recd a mail from their website than i have trid to buy the same and after that system took me payment option i have paid Rs.699/- for apple i pad after some time i have trid so they have replied me there will be draw opened winner will recd. the items
    either you will purchase the which you like it means it is cheater
    so i will requested to internet consumer court /foregn payment courd fera etc please
    dont pay any amount
    suite him case and recover the money of cusumers
    baliram saini

  128. Bakwas ,fraud lost 799 this site has to be blocked or removed or company should be closed

  129. thank u very much friend i saved to pay


    I am also there,
    I have also been the one who has been cheated by shophunk fraud. I have paid Rs. 899/- today without checking your this blog. After payment, I saw the blog and now could understand what has happened with me. Please suggest, what should I do now.

  131. helo i m yash rajasthan police jast i sea u r comment my team go to delhi k thanx 4given info. an don,t wary

  132. Thanks for saving me too. I was in a final stage of paying them Rs.800 for Samsung Galaxy S4; but just went for the reviews. I know this one is just like gambling but i think there will be a lucky draw in the final. Anyways thanks for saving me and giving the review.

  133. Before some days I paid money Rs.699 for a contest for iPhone 5S.When is signed up it showed me that contest will finished after eg.23:49:23 Mins.
    I visited their website daily it is showing me the same thing.When I called their number it is coming switched off daily.The Number is 08065476384
    Please help for the same either we all will attempt fraud case against this web site publishers,developers. We will enquire By CID for your all investigation.

  134. Thanx a lot guys you peoples saved my money……

  135. Actually i was trying to participate in the contest…. As i thought i entered to that contest even i got some calls from their by telling sir you have selected to the contest and you have won iphone 4 soon you will get it for that you have to pay 999… first we will send conpus watch with our courier buy and few days later we gone ha send you the iphone all of sudden i got too happy and said ya okay done but after watching the reviews in the web i have decided not enter in this fraud shopjunk…… thanx for the safety comments friends…..

  136. The big FRAUD Co. is SHOPHUNK, Before some days I paid money Rs.699 for a contest , but niter contest nor money back/ or Order placed received yet, going to lodge a police complaint

  137. The steps mentioned over here clearly shows that we should not try out these websites as it’s not legit!! Good that helped many from this.!


  139. Any body cheated by this website should file a case with the cyber cell of mumbai police.

  140. seems like 100bestbuy

  141. Thanks People for saving me from FRAUD.

  142. Thanks for saving me from……i also wante dto grab samsung galaxy in just 899 rs. the do not have COD option…only via debit or credit card

  143. Thank u for valuable msgs. thanks all. i’m also going to pay the 799 Rs.
    thanks again
    Ranjit (+91) 9860 55 67 55

  144. Swati Sharma Avatar
    Swati Sharma

    You Made my Day Guys………… Thanks for your valuable Suggestions.

  145. This is really fake….dont participate or dont use any of your bank credentials…

  146. I had participated in contest and paid 6999 Rs. They are not delivered the free item even after three month of payment. Now I am unable to purchase from my point also.

  147. Friends i got a call from shophunk and i politely asked their address an contact no.

    if some one is living in bangalore can visit their office and catch them.

    62 JC industrial estate yelachenalli kanakapura road bangalore 560062 08067683698

  148. you all saved me

  149. Beware of SHOPHUNK.COM

  150. Really people need to be very careful if will offer u to have i-phone,samsung s4,nokia lumia in INR,399,899 etc…….Decline the offer else it will
    bring loss only else call me i will give you the details on my mob- 08116685456

    social worker

  151. It is a scam site and fake.!! For more details you can check on this site by urself :

  152. How can one give 70 k worth item in 700? It looks very fishy. Please don’t believe in this type of sites and do thorough inquiry before putting your hard earned money.
    These guys are smart thats why they are asking small amounts knowing beyond 1000 rupees people will hesitate to put and below 1000 people can take risk and do the online shopping.

  153. hi all,
    Bewareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of SHOPHUNK
    I also lost my money 399/-, I hate this site, please tell your friends not to entertain,
    if we call to the toll free no. 08067683698 nobody receiving the call, total fraud

  154. check out this nunber : 08067683698

  155. guys… i lost my money 899… they foolished me…
    plz help me…

  156. Y don u ppl think as soon as i saw thw web site and attended the contenst i knew it to b a fake b realistic hw can u get an s4 or s3 for 800 /- odd rs!!!

  157. kaushik k kumar Avatar
    kaushik k kumar

    come on guys,……no one is going to gine you an s4 for 899.thats pretty unusual isnt it? please dont submit your details like your card number to these sites.

  158. Thank God! … I am saved …

  159. Thank God to save my money….

  160. Really true i also lost 799/- today, no one is picking the call or replying for complaints.

  161. thanks guys for your comments

  162. abhimanyu gupta Avatar
    abhimanyu gupta

    it is totally fraud


  164. yes guys thanks for the reviews for all of us

  165. just a minute ago site was offering iphone 5 for 699 but before making a payment I decided to check it’s review,whether its genuine or fake OR another phishing website and here I am saved from losing money .

  166. Pls dnt loss ur money.., its fraud website..

  167. now they have introduce this fraud as of now date (dec 2013).. click the link ..–samsung-galaxy-note-3-n9000-with-assured-free-5-products-:-canopus—blue-t-shirt,-men-white-dial-watch,-cap,-handycam-&-hp-8-gb-pen-drive/product/3342/
    they have contacted me for the same alsofrom this number 08045124800…
    Thanks guys for your feed back…

  168. they drop me mail also/…

    Dear Customer, will conduct a lucky draw Contest We will choose 15+ lucky winners through a lucky draw conducted by

    Every Participant of the contest will surely get the free product that is offered in the contest.

    Shop hunk shall under no circumstance exchange the reward for cash or kind.

    Contest gets renewed every month. Please Find the Link of the Free Product–samsung-galaxy-note-3-n9000-with-assured-free-5-products-:-canopus—blue-t-shirt,-men-white-dial-watch,-cap,-handycam-&-hp-8-gb-pen-drive/product/3342/

    On which you have to Pay Rs 4999 On the Cash on Delivery Process in which the Point will Update in your Account in Next 24 Hours

    Winner of a month will be announced on 1st week of a registered next month

    For more details you can also contact us on 080 – 67683698 or write us on

  169. Siddhartha Dutta Avatar
    Siddhartha Dutta

    Thanks every one. I was thinking to take this offer but after reading this forum I really changed my idea. Really report it to police for this type of companies. I don’t know how to report for cyber crime otherwise I will report to police.

  170. you must complaint on that site because they fraud many people so be care full on net don’t trust any offers don’t give any answers to that

  171. one person named Raju has commented
    “+91 85 47 101853 try this. They called me after i signed up feom this number” about shop hunk is false this no. is my personal no. and i have no conection with this webside. please remove the comment as i am getting daily 10 to 15 calls. this some one has posted wrongly.

  172. thanks to god ,i am not become a shophunk bakara.

  173. Exciting offers tempts many of us to put money… But why will someone give upto 99% off on latest electronic gadgets…. I got a call that I am selected in first round of online contest.. But thanks to you people who posted here … I stepped back..

  174. Thank you for all of them for saving me..,,,thank god i googled it before paying because i had a doubt how can we get a device for such a low price……friends please check out the reviews in google before processing any transaction.Just think how can we get a product for such a low price., lets spread it wide & report as a cyber scam.

  175. better to take as a cash on delivery … so no choice to lost ur money

  176. Chandrashekar Avatar

    thank guys i saved money

  177. Thank you so much for the above info! I recently did take part in one of their contests but luckily their site was having an issue so I didn’t end up paying them anything. They just called me to tell me I won and that if I pay rs999 then I would be eligible to win the S4.. Luckily before doing that I googled them to see if they were a scam or not and found all these comments, so when the guy called back I told him I know its all a scam.. so Thank you guys for saving me from losing money!

  178. Thank you for all of them for saving me..,,,thank god i googled it before paying because i had a doubt how can we get a device for such a low price……friends please check out the reviews in google before processing any transaction.Just think how can we get a product for such a low price., lets spread it wide & report as a cyber scam.


  180. thanksss a tonnn

  181. Thanks for the update ….friends !! I m also going to buy but now not …….Thanks

  182. Dear All,
    We all are lured by some of the best offers in the market, especially mobile market, However, it is worth thinking that how can someone offer any mobile handsets below Rs 1000/- even as manufacturing cost is greater than offer price. This is a bit of common sense which some of you did not count upon. If such had been the case, this site would have been popular within days of its launch and all the mobile shops including Apple, Nokia and Samsung would have closed.
    Use bit of our brain power before entering any deals on such fraudulent websites.
    Any body who has suffered losses can complaint to Cyber Cell. They are very helpful and can track the culprits immediately through the technology available with them.
    Thanks to The Indian Police.

  183. There is no cash on delivery option for this website..pls don’t shop any more …I don’t know how could the people bcum fools….no company will sell the product for jus rs.899 etc…when the actual price of the product is 50000+….I truly suggest the people not to shop any kind of products from unknown websites

  184. Hi Friends

    This seems to be a Fraud Site that gives you a Chance 2 win Electronic gadgets Specifically Mobiles at a very cheap rate however Don’t get carried as this is a Total Fraud.I will Report Against this Site. Please do the same.

    FRIENDS Please Visit this Website and Lodge a complaint against the Website that will help.
    Copy and paste this link on the Address bar “”
    and Click on file Complaint with FBI

  185. Harminder Goldy Avatar
    Harminder Goldy

    Main har product ko khareedne se pehle uski website ko google mein search maar ke dekhta hun ke ye site real hai ya fraud…aur aisi sites hamesha fraud hi hoti hain! Main bhi kahun yaar itna mehnga set sirf 899 rs mein…ho hi nahi sakta!! To maine inki site ke baare google search kiya ke shophunk fake or real to ye fake hi nikli!! Aap bhi aise kiya karo yaar

  186. Thanks for the update… I was about to make a payment but got saved….. 😉

  187. Thank u so much for ur valuble information, otherwise i will be also cheated by them.

  188. yes the same message came to me but after seeing all the above suggestions i will not enter anything this is absolutely a fraud website how anyone can give in cheap rates..

  189. this is fraud website dont believe it

  190. i am working on my laptop after when i am start download a movie then other a page will open when i open that than i see you are lucky customer you can win a iphone 5 and pay only 699 and u can win a iphone 5 than i give that money on net after than there is no reply by them through they canot pik my phone or do not give me any reply i lost my money

  191. Deepak Gautam Avatar
    Deepak Gautam

    Thanks to all of you guys to save me from this fraud site…..

  192. Thank u guys it is very help full i am also going to purchase

  193. prasanna kumar r m Avatar
    prasanna kumar r m

    Dear sir/mdm,

    kindly to the yester day in my account transsaction in amount please send in my mobile phone address.

  194. Guys Thanks for ur valuable comments.


    The contest was that I should credit Rs.799 and if my name is selected in the lucky draw then i shall receive a free samsung galaxy S4 . The terms and conditions of the contest was that irrespective of whether my name is selected in the lucky dray,every participant in the contest would get a Samsung Galaxy S4. I had participated in the contest for month of December 2013 and the winners of the contest were announced on Jan 2014 1st.According to the terms and conditions of the contest,every participant should have received the free samsung galaxy s4 by 2nd week of Jan 2014. I had not received my Samsung S4 tab till date.I am contacting the customer service center of Shophunk daily and they are not able to give any satisfactory response am not able to reach them ontime only i used to hear IVR(Unable to reach the customer care). My money is stuck with them.Kindly request you to pls help me on this.I would like my money to be returned back to me or i should get the samsung galaxy S4 as stated in the terms and conditions of the contest. As a consumer,I feel that i am cheated by and i am sure they are neither going to return my money nor give the samsung galaxy S4 as promised by them Kindly request the honourable court to deliver justice to me as i am ruined and cheated by a e-commerce website company. Additional Details My Transaction No:983539 Your Login Username: Thoufeeque
    Many Thanks
    Kind Regards

  196. dhade devidas Avatar
    dhade devidas

    I have paid Rs. 699 on dt. 09.01.14 via netbanking of ICICI, I am also not sure about their commitments.

  197. shophunk is a fraud. Do not buy anything from there.

  198. Please help me get my money back. I got an email from They offered me Contest – Samsung galaxy :Pay & get to win this for 899 Rs. I paid them 899 Rs on 15/01/2014 This is the transaction details:15/01/2014 tTransaction i.d. 1438466 Next day I tried to call to their no – 08067683698.but this is unable to reach. And then I tried to email them at That is also getting bounce-back. I believe this is all fake. They are tacking a lots of money from innocent people. Please check there website. I.

  199. Thanks guys u saved my money as well.i was about to pay and suddenly it clicked in my mind to check the reviews.and i was saved.
    Thank u all.

  200. This is fraud website don’t believe. They are money eater.

  201. Thanks for giving valuable queries i save my amount

  202. I just spoke to the them on customer care number given ,a lady picked up the call ,she said that when you invest for product in lucky draw contest ,everyone cant be winners
    but then whatever money ul spent ,ul can buy any other product of that money

    your money wont get wasted !

  203. thanx … helped me….was above to get into the trap…..

  204. i lost my money in the same website too. i registered and recieved al the acknowledgement and got the credit balance of 899 in my account but i could n’t purchase a single item and the thing is i could n’t unsubscribe from the account and no response for yet a lot of calls to 8067683698 & 8123322223 it will be fine if i get get my money refunded.

  205. RAHUL KUMAR Avatar


  206. thankyou for the comments guys …..

  207. I also receive such mails frequently, but I feel people should practice some caution before investing their hard earned money. No one in the world will give you something worth 40 – 50K at such throw away prices. If at all they do, it is either a fake or duplicate product they want to get rid off or the intentions behind the offer is to deceive others.

    Always search in google or any other search engine, using the phone numbers or website name or the email content provided in the offer before you invest. This will at least help you to get some information about the offer.

    If you really want to buy products online, then use some well known website such as flipkart
    At least you will not get cheated, but ofcourse you will not even get a 40 – 50k product at throw away price either.



  209. I have also spended 799 rs for the samsung galaxy and at the end of the movement while transaction it showned me an error and money was already debited and now they are telling me that they dont received the money. but it is already debited from my account. and on their customer service number they are telling me to send the transaction details (statement copy) . But i am afraid to send them the whole detail better lets go 799 rs. and its fake yaar who will trust them for the same. I hate it.

  210. shophunk lures by fraud means, Rs.799 paid towards samsung 4s mobile, till now nothing heard. I am thinking of complaining to cyber cell after some more try.

  211. respected sir,maine apple i5 mobile ka form submit kiya tha mujhe is bare me kuch information de skte h plz contect me
    my mobile no 8053255640

  212. vikram purohite Avatar
    vikram purohite

    thanks even i could escape.
    had received a call from +918045124800. today.
    but after visiting this forum came to know about problems faced by many.

  213. sir,
    shophunk really a fraud company. my order no. 1861236 for galaxy5 through direcpay online solution.
    please look into the matter and resolve the problem and fir against these companies.
    don’t permit to fraud with innocent people of India.

  214. Please dont have any connection with this website. They are frauds. I just want to forget my bad experience

  215. thanks All of u friends to see me all froudness of shophunk

  216. i am saved because of your comments…thanx for all

  217. maine aapsab comment dekha or fraud se bach gaya mera no hai 9560286006 jinko v inke aginst koi action lena ho I m with u
    and thanks friends

  218. Parvez alam Avatar
    Parvez alam

    respected sir,maine apple i5 mobile ka form submit kiya tha mujhe is bare me kuch information de skte h plz contect me
    my mobile no-7503637114

  219. thanks a lot… u guys saved my money

  220. mangesh gadekar Avatar
    mangesh gadekar

    i have facing same problem form shouphunk i paid 699 rs yet not recoverd. i am requtest to all u guys lets come together and we will file complaint aginst them if dont fight against them they will cheacted more and more

    so lets fight agianst them….


  221. Thank u guys for this information…….

  222. Guys pls bought a other things to pay your points.

  223. Chaitanya Thakore Avatar
    Chaitanya Thakore

    Thanks for this complaints side. shophunk is furd waveside. i have been save Rs 699

  224. Just now i got call from this stupid people to pay Rs 999. when i asked some clarification about the transaction they did not response properly.

    Thanks u guys for giving this information

  225. Hi,
    I got mail :
    from: Lucky Day
    reply-to: Lucky Day
    date: Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 9:58 AM
    subject: Congratulations ! You are Selected Today for Some “Special Gift”.

    There was a image link which on clicking gave me 3 gift options. After choosing one of them I was forwarded to –
    offer on that page was like –
    Contest – Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500 :Pay & get to win
    Product Code : 850
    Rs. 699MRP 40690/-
    ( Rs. 39991 OFF )
    ( included of all taxes.)

    I filled all details and just about to pay but then I searched for shophunk reliability and to my surprise there were several blogs, posts, comments saying whole this shophunk stuff is fake.
    I did not pay, got saved.

    Thanks all, consumerforum. Special thanks to “google” ! 😉

  226. Smoke Detector Avatar
    Smoke Detector

    I participated in a contest and killed a cockroach online. The contest was to catch a cockroach which runs across the screen and you have to kill it with deft movements of the mouse and I successfully killed not one but two cockroaches and I was asked to pay Rs. 699 for the successful delivery of my prize – an Iphone 5S.
    I have not yet received the phone and nor have I paid the 699 like you fools.

  227. Rohit Dhawan Avatar
    Rohit Dhawan

    First of all, I am not their competitor or have any contacts with any shopping portals. Just like a lot of other people, I shop online as it saves time and money.


    Read and Share

    1. Their contest is fake. They have not put up email/number of the winners. The names are all self made, and its easy to notice the pattern once you go through them. The up-loader got tired and didn’t write state names of other supposedly fake winners. Contest money cannot be redeemed without spending more money.

    2. Armani watches sold by them are fake. They do not carry Armani certification card. All Luxury hi-end watches come with International warranty card. I own two Tissot and one Ted Lapidus watches, all three have authentic international warranty cards. The pictures posted on the website are low quality and do not show the back side of the watch. They are all Chinese made. I got their fake approved as duplicate by an authenticated Emporoio Armani seller in New Delhi.

    3. Canopus is a cheap roadside/selfmade brand. Google the name and you won’t get anything. The T-shirts and shoes are all slum stuff. Canopus Clothing is an international brand, and they never export their products to India. If its a popular brand, why is it not on Jabong/Myntra or other popular shopping portals?

    4. Customer care executives are taught to disconnect the line if customer gets irate/asked to transfer the call to senior/manager. They are taught to tell customer their product is couriered/about to be sent/out of stock. I have recordings which prove their unprofessional behavior. (I have taught customer service V&A and social manners for two years)

    5. There are very few interesting products on the website, out of which half of them are out of stock or have size issues. All the low price products are roadside material. People who have class will never buy such stuff, and can easily tell the quality difference.

    6. The MRP of all the products is wrongly mentioned as much higher than the original cost. Kingston Pen Drive 32 GB Rs. 1899 is mentioned at a discount of 19% (Rs. 1529). It’s original printed cost is Rs. 1590. This is with a lot of products mentioned on the website.

    I am in process of gathering more evidence and complaints against them. I will sue them.

    Shopunk: I have screen prints/source code copied of everything. Your efforts to repair damage would be naive.

  228. Ramesh kumar Avatar
    Ramesh kumar

    oh , thank god
    thank you sir, for yours informations.
    i am also now booking one samsung galaxy note 2. before allorted me sir, because, he is told tommorrow your phone is recived.
    thank god, thank god,……………………..

    friends, dont believe this site
    100% fraud site……………………………..

  229. Totally fraud..dont go for it never.

  230. arundasmr1987 Avatar

    Yu think you are cheated, don’t yu have sense to understand that you cannot buys4 for just 399, yu where cheated because yu didn’tapplied commonsense!

  231.  Avatar

    my name is manoj kumar i was scam by henry brown teling me that he is working in United Nations and i have an amount of 1.5million dollars transaction with him and i paid first 45,000 rupees and again 2,00,000 laks rupees and again 10,00,000 laks rupees and i have paid total 90,00,000 ninety nine lack rupees and his still demanding more . His name is Dip. Henry Brown and mobile number 9643906062. please Cyber Crime Help me

  232. hii im rakesh

  233. thank you for awaring all of us about this fraud site “shophunk”……. i also recieve a invitation of a contest frm this

  234. Guys! Never fall into the trap if someone offer this kind of discount. After all nothing is free in this world and for a good stuff you have to pay. A normal pricing would be at best 2-3k less than the market price and even in that case too, what is the guarantee that it is not a used one or seconds from the factory????????? Take care.

  235. Shrikant Choudhary Avatar
    Shrikant Choudhary

    ShopHunk openly playing fraud with customers ,they are shameless people .A customer has a right to lodge FIR against in his City police station U/S 420/409 IPC explaining all facts.Police has power to register the case & also make arrest online-shopping company Manager/Director if case has been registered by shopping cheating embezzlement & fraud is committed by Internet Means company is doing/running her business by internet to all over India all over world,so from which place order was given ,money paid goods received & complainant reside offence came to customers knowledge ,in that place police & court has jurisdiction to inquire trial the case,teach them lesson.
    Shrikant Choudhary Damoh MP

  236. mangesh gadekar Avatar
    mangesh gadekar

    Lets all people come together we should teach to lesson i hope you will understand this is serious matter if we dont do anything this ford must go on. we should meet on sunday on some day and then decided what to do. my cell number 9096157413. at least 10 people should come.

  237.  Avatar

    I totally support you #Rohit Dhawan. I have also contested 2 Samsung Galaxy S5 s worth Rs. 699 each. Shophunk says that they will email me if I may select in the contest as winner. But according to all the complaints of the people on”Fraud –” I now totally disbelief this website. I will be happy if the persons by whom is ruuning is punished by the Supreme Court of India and we all the victims of this website get their money back. Everyone must gather together against so that we may get our money back…. It must be filed as a case in the court as cheated us and if we dont take action against this fraud website, then they will ruin many innocent people like us in the future as they have done with us. – CHEATERS

    Yours affectionately and sincerely

  238. thanks a lot……i got offer 1 aug from shophunk of product sumsang galexy at 98%offer with price 499. ……..then i decide for cheak detail of shophunk just before online shopping ….then realized this site is froud when saw post and comment…………and finaly i m safe……..i learned i will never believe in future this type of offer ……..

  239. If the website is fraud, it should not be existed and Government should take action on such Cyber crime cases…..

  240. thank u

  241. this website is very much connected to en email COngratulation! you won 1000000 pounds from cocacola winning prize contest , its all looking like a Black nigerian working on this fraud

  242. It is not a joke ………
    It is a fraud company

  243. Umasankar Maji Avatar
    Umasankar Maji

    this website is very much connected to en email COngratulation! you won 1000000 pounds from cocacola winning prize contest , its all looking like a Black nigerian working on this fraud

  244. Guys its my kind request please don’t invest your money in these type of company in case if you found any doubt plz seek the help of SEBI .

  245. Thanks designed for sharing such a nice thought, paragraph is pleasant, thats why i have read it completely

  246. Prasanta pal Avatar
    Prasanta pal

    Hi shop hunk you had done a nice fraud with me taking INR 699 and told that you will give apple iPad 5 and 2 weeks get over .some one help me from this fraud website.

  247. Hi All,
    On 31 Jul I was just going through some shopping site…and suddenly shop hunk popped up 3 times unless I took some quiz and saw an attractive offer that I won a gift..the moment I saw apple iPhone 5 I thought let me pay 699inr and I waited so that I get the result..but there was no.communication and felt it was real fraud…I lost 699inr..please do not get into their site and do not shop anything from them. Rajni.

  248. thank you sho mach

  249. thanks to all above for awe ring me and your valuable review regards shophunk because today no of tyimes they calling me for forwarding 300rs in shophunk account and take part of such things .jkawed shaikh

  250. shophunk is the frud company

  251. Thanks guys for ur valuable comments..
    its saves my precious money ,,its like i’m about to order that s2 phone i.e of 699 and i really saved by this forum..
    its great to idea to submit any kind of fraudlent sites info here..

    Please share other link if any-one have where we can find the site is authrized or safe.. or not ?

  252. Congratulations to all the losers who are complaining fraud here!! It is your greed that led you there! How can any person with enough education to make an online purchase be dumb enough to believe this – haha next you will be complaining about the Greg British lottery ! Come on guys use your brain if the offer seems to good to be true it probably is a scam! Instead of crying over spilt milk here – please take the physical effort of visiting you local CCS police station and lodge a complaint – and keep your greed in check next time around

  253. ho i read some comments then make it as a police case every body who comented these thankyou and all saved me frm this trap

  254. recently in July I hv paid 699 inr for galaxy s4 n they told that we WL get result on 31st of till date they didn’t give the reply..they r just a big fraud…cheaters…if u all read the msg plzzz let me know when we wl get the result of July contest….

  255. i saved from paying shophunk rs. 699 for iphone 5 thanks a lot all for guiding

  256. Sujeet Kumar Avatar
    Sujeet Kumar

    I am the latest victim it seems. Please don’t get trapped by alluring offers on this Web Site. On Timesofmoney I have paid Rs 699.00 for Samsung Galaxy S4.

  257. Sujeet Kumar Avatar
    Sujeet Kumar

    Any suggestion to get my money back

  258. Amit Mallick Avatar
    Amit Mallick

    As per my knowledge, amount is to participate for the contest and if you win you will get the phone for 699/- that to within 75 days. If you won’t win you will get your money back that to as a credit point. You can purchase anything from the web site for the same price.

    I guess you need to do bit investigate before pay for the same. this is what I have identified…

  259. Sujeet Kumar Avatar
    Sujeet Kumar

    Dear Amit, thanx for your advice. So, now I would have to wait for 75 days.

  260. Hey ,

    I want to say u all that , the name itself says contest , in a contest only one member will win in a month . of-course u paid some amount to participate , but shophunk people are giving u back as points through which u can buy something from their website .

    These conditions are clearly mentioned in the column *Terms and Conditions . but u people won read at all those terms and conditions n simply blame others.

    So people please read terms and conditions while filling any form in online in any website , not just

  261. For your kind information:
    These are the winners of last month which they kept in their website also : Please click on the below link :


  263. thanks a lot……i got offer 1 aug from shophunk of product sumsang galexy at 98%offer with price 499. ……..then i decide for cheak detail of shophunk just before online shopping ….then realized this site is froud when saw post and comment…………and finaly i m safe……..i learned i will never believe in future this type of offer ……..

  264. pratik sharma Avatar
    pratik sharma

    thanx for save me

  265. i have given the card number but hadn’t completed the process.Is there any danger for giving the number. I am scared.:(

  266. They cheated me. They took my rs699 from account.didn’t response.

  267. They cheated me. And didn’t even response. They took my rs699.

  268. Same scenario…i didn’t checked d blog….
    and got into d my issue is i used dadz card 4 it… want too knw if any one have found some illegal activities of der account i.e ur balance deduction and all….????
    m scared as its dadz acoount..kindly suggest ..


  270. Thank you for the info


  272. Shophunk.Com Address :, Seajin Technology, # 2/1, 1st Floor, JC Industrial Estate, Yelachenahalli, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore – 560062, Karnataka, India.

  273. Thanks Guys. this forum saved from paying 699/- for an iPhone 5.

    I was about to make the payment and luckily I just googled and found this forum.
    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  274. Oh no! I have also been the one who has been cheated by shophunk fraud. I have paid Rs. 699/- today without checking your this blog. After payment, I saw the blog and now could understand what has happened with me. Please suggest, what should I do now.

  275. Thanks for the advice. Helped a lot

  276. Thanks for sharing these comment they helped me a lot
    Now they are calling from +918045124800

  277. it is a fraud site. Thank u for saving me.

  278. Thanks for your valuable information guys, you are all doing amazing jobs.

  279. thanks for advice plz don’t buy any such like..

  280. thanks to all for ur suggestions..I was about to make a payment but got saved…thanx….

  281. Should block this kind of site as its a fraud.

  282. I have been the one who has been cheated by shophunk fraud. I have paid Rs. 499/- today without checking your this blog. After payment, I saw the blog and now could understand what has happened with me. Please suggest, what should I do now.
    And I don’t understand how they are cheating for this long period .
    where is the security then….??????

  283. thanks dears for giving a valuable feed back about shop hunk

  284. they said me that it’s a lucky draw contest, the amount that mentioned is its enrollment fee.
    Its a fraud e-shopping site.

  285. thank u, for posting this complain. i save my money after going through your review.

  286. nasty cubs……
    why this kind of business people doing…..
    its better to take Poisson……

  287. I too was cheated with iPhone s5 for 699 only and I type my debit card no. Not cvv no. Can I lost money with that? Plz help me

  288. thanks buddies for ur valuable suggestions

  289. Thank you all guys, I was about to do the same mistake. But before actually paying I google it and get to know about the scam. thank you so much..

  290. you’r right, this looks fraud to me, currently the contest is: Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for only INR. 699, and like you mentioned that it showed you that contest will finish after specific period of times?
    well i refreshed after one hour and again it started from 11:29 same as it started an hour ago.
    try not to use your credit or debit cards, i’d rather prefer to pay by paypal than using my credit card otherwise it is really trusted like ebay

  291. Gajendra vishwakarma, News Reporter indore Avatar
    Gajendra vishwakarma, News Reporter indore

    इंदौर या इसके आसपास के किसी यूजर के साथ अगर इस वेबसाइट ने फ्रॉड किया है तो मुझसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं, इस पर न्यूज कवर करना चाहता हूं.
    Gajendra Vishwakarma
    Sr. News Reporter
    Naidunia Media


  293. . This is the company that owns shop hunk. They are based out of Bangalore.

  294. ankur agrawal Avatar
    ankur agrawal

    Shop hunk is providing Iphone 5 with bluetooth. even steve jos didn’t have this in his phone…. 😛


  296. Sunil R Naik Avatar
    Sunil R Naik

    This is Sunil and I inform you this is the Fraud Website for get money.
    Kindly share it on facebook etc.

  297. Hi all , if u pay 699 Rupees to shophunk they will send their sisters to u not iphone 5s. So emjoy one night with their sisters.

  298. All of u clarify is it really fraud because maine abhi purchase nhi kia hai but soch rahi hu

  299. I prefer online shopping and always have done the same with trusted sites..

    Today when i saw the shophunk contest thought to take a chance with Rs 499, but then just thought why would somebody give you 98% off that to on the stupid questionnaire, & checked the reviews on google
    I was about to pay, but got saved by all the views; thanks guys, i am putting this on facebook so that all my friends will be saved.

  300. Anand babu Avatar
    Anand babu

    Thanks for your valuable comment.

  301. thank u guyzz u all saved me .from buying

  302. 8 -10-2014 10 pm
    I Got an offer from
    I paid the amount Rs.699 via net banking to purchase i phone
    Thank you for shopping with us. Your transaction is Successful.
    Thank you for participating in contest. You have successfully registered for Shophunk contest. We will be uploading you on the result by email.

    Rs. 699 has been credited to your account click here to check your account. Your Shophunk Transaction Id : 3912775
    Note : Your Username and password has been sent to your email Id.

    For any kind of queries please call coustomer care . 080-30752798 or Email :

    But I didnot get any username and password

    But i email this id

    Reply is – this is an automataed email reply.

  303. Thank to save. Me……they call me say u r selected for 2 round of contest pay 999 rs for 2 round………they are totally fraud……

  304. Pls save me I am also paid 699 for iPhone contest shophunk is fraud or not

  305. I have made an online payment for Rs.699/- for the Samsung Galaxy s4 contest last month 21st september and got a mail confirmation that I have been registered successfully. I am tryng to reach the customer care number but it is never reachable. I think that I have been cheated.

    PLEASE HELP ME , HOW TO GET MY MONEY OR ANY PRODUCT…..PLEASE HELP ME …….MY MAIL ID IS, please send the information regarding this………..


  307. Gyes you really saved me…….tq every one heartly

  308. thanks for saving me i was ready for that

  309. Its working , you can call the customer care no. if any doubt . when i called they lifted and gave good response.


  311. Same website.. thank god i checked in google for the website and found your comments before attempting to pay

    Really thanx guys..

  312. Thannk you everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was about to but 3 IPhone 5S and 2 Galaxy and 1 Samsung Grand in 1800/-
    2 Lakh=1800/-
    Its Fraud Obvio !!!

  313. Thannk you everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was about to but 3 IPhone 5S and 2 Galaxy and 1 Samsung Grand in 1800/-
    2 Lakh=1800/-
    Its Fraud Obvio !!!

  314. Tariq Anwar Avatar
    Tariq Anwar

    I too contested and deposited 699 rs. But they told me that my money is converted to credit points. They told me that I can’t get my money back. Surely shophunk do the worst kind of business. Even I can’t buy through my credit points. Very bad shopping portal.

  315. thanks all guys


  317. i am Sudip tamgadge
    this is the dam basted website…the big fraud plays with everyone to get something with offering contest for negligible price, afterwords it’s shows nothing either account credit or our product.
    beware of this fraudelent site, i played a contest of Rs.699 and i have been such a fool to use my credit card that i will get samsung galaxy of price 39000

  318. Before some days I paid money Rs499 for a contest for Samsung Galaxy Grand I9082.When is signed up it showed me that contest will finished after eg.23:49:23 Mins.
    I visited their website daily it is showing me the same thing.When I called their number it is coming switched off daily.The Number is 08065476384.
    This is Fraud Website

  319. This is fraud site. Thank GOD i didn’t order anything. One good tip is, when you are doubtful about a site , please check for cash on delivery option. Never use debit or credit card at such sites.

  320. Sir this is very fraud website coz i paid Rs.699 and still waiting for response n contact no. is always being busy that was given on website.
    so plz. give some suggesion…..

  321. fraud website

  322. fraud fraud fraud fraud websites ,,,,, never don’t trust this sites

  323. Tabrez pasha Avatar
    Tabrez pasha

    hi all even i got same thing but thank god be making transaction i checked this site and i saved my money but today morning i got a call from this mentioned number. 08045124800 from bangalore.Try this number and give a complaint.

  324. Paid Rs 799 as part of some online contest which was to be eligible for a lucky draw Samsung mobile phone. There was not announcement about it even after 2 months. When i contacted them via phone today, they said the winner was already announced. When asked about my Rs 799, they simply said it was considered as part of the contest fees..

    After severely blasting them on such a unlawful practise and complaining that i will lodge a police complaint, they asked me to choose a product from their online catalog for Rs 799. Point blank, said they will not give cash back and asked me to take a product instead. So, selected a Credit Card holder that was at the exact Rs 799.

    Received the parcel today and its a complete waste of an item. In an unbelievably stupid dark purple color (completely different from what was shown online) and with markings over it (clearly showing that its an old product), they have completely cheated me (and prob hundred others). Something has to be done with these fraudsters

  325. i was about to spend 7oo rs on samsung galaxy S5 SUDDEN MY FATHERS FRIEND TOTAL USTHAT IT IS FAKE OMG I AM SAVE

  326. hankyou guys for saving me, i was just about to make the transaction, they added me to some contest and offered me i phone just 699

  327. bch gya o yarooooooooooooooo

  328. Thank God for reviews. Just before the billing stage I thought I’d run a check over shophunk.. google’s second suggestion was titled Shophunk Fraud..
    Guys n gals who’ve paid via their credit/debit cards please ensure you change your passwords, and also the passwords to the email you’ve submitted..

  329. Hi All,
    though i am safe as i didnt made any payment, but need to know that i have provided all my details like email id;contact no. address. Please let me know whether the details provided by me is of any harm?

  330. I got a call from banlor they tlod me dat i m in 50 in india and i am also gone in final round.. They declear result in 2 nov. 2014… Any got call from bannglor shophunk…?

  331. god dammit! ts just a fraud company but i am so lucky that i didnt pay any money. shop’junk’ sorry shophun is making all as fools.just wehave to leave complain on them

  332. this is totally fraud. is someone there to take up a case against this. they take Rs 699/- through net banking and i was told to be a selected winner and won the iphone 5 for Rs 699/-. I want to lodge a complain against them. can cyber crime branch take it as a serious concern since so many innocent persons have been cheated.

  333. Sir this is very fraud website coz i paid Rs.699 and still waiting for response n contact no. is always being busy that was given on website.
    so plz. give some suggesion…..

  334. pal singh yadav Avatar
    pal singh yadav

    all friend i inform u i,m also diposite Rs699/- yesterday but i,m advocate practicing in highcourt Lucknow bench Lucknow if shophunk compny fraudulent then i well take legale acction apropriyate forume

  335. Thanks to every one ……………… all ….. are saved me ….thank god …

  336. Thanks.Its a fraud website.Beware

  337. It seems shophunk is fraud. I have also traped in its fraud rs. 699. We should unite against this online shopin site.
    I read above comments of Mr. pal singh yadav who is also a victimise. Mr. Yadav is requested to something do against them and inform accordingly on my e-mail id . I request all of you to unite through e-mail id.

  338. its great am escape..before am given my credit card 7th scene told check website once then proceed ….thanks for your valuable comments..

  339. Total Fraud. They looted me with Rs. 699 for a Samsung S Series phone. Please help!!

  340. thank you very much for saving me from this frauds

  341. dear friends
    i really shocked that there r so many people had cheated by shophunk (this website)
    once time i feel it is good for me, bt after seeing upon friends, i feel its not true, so thx to all of u, nd beware next of u.

  342. Please complaint on it may help.

  343. Hi it is fraud site .
    My money is its give offer and and take money from customer. And not refunding .my 499 rs also stolen by this
    how this people can stolen money pleased do t go that site…

  344. कृपया कर के इस फर्जी साइट पर कारवाई करे ताकि और कोई ना फसें।हम सब इस फर्जी साईट और ये चोर लोगो को सबक सीखा ये। ऐसे कैसे अपने खुन पसीने की कमाई कोई 2
    मिनिट में लूट ले जाता हैं। उनको पैसा कामने के लिये महेनत नहीं करनी ।
    भगवान करे उनको कीड़े पदे औए सड के मरे भोसड़ीवाले मादर्चोद ।

  345. I also saw the Rs699 Samsung Galaxy S offer on I was almost tempted but just as a precaution, I checked with the heading on this link on google and voila…saw so may complaints..Thanks a lot for you guys for saving me…

  346. vivek mishra Avatar
    vivek mishra

    kindly return my 699 rupees as per your contest rule
    my mobile no is 9 167880531 kindly inform me

  347. manish shakya Avatar
    manish shakya

    i am very much dissatisfied with the website
    i also played the contest and lsot my 699/rs for apple Iphone
    i am very much depressed.i want to know if anyone of u have filed a complaint in the consumer forum/
    if yes then please tell about the “reply” so that i can also do the same.

    the company has looted a lots of money of the innocent people like us.

  348. ur absolutely rigth .. just now i was going to pay rupees 699 for samsung galaxy s4 .thanks bro u had been saved me.


  350. contest k nam par logo s thagi kr rahe h shophunk wale mene 1000/- rs. jama kara diye the sony x-priya mobil handset k liye or muje ghr pr ek gatiya watch di gayi h.or return call karne pe or complant mail krne pr b koi respons nai h.
    bola ghr pr hi kupan aayega pr kuch nai aaya.
    chor company h shophunk

  351. Thanks for your valuable feedback guys. I was about to make payment of Rs 699 for Apple i Phone 5 and your views saved me.

  352. Amarjit raj Subbhaiah Avatar
    Amarjit raj Subbhaiah

    Numai mattu.saktttu. nanabi sengbhi website. maa chhikni website, kaam kaaama ne website.totally big FRAUD :/

  353. Thanks friends to save me from shophunk’s fraud of Contest – Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500 :Pay & get to win
    Contest – Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500

  354. Thank u Guys for saving me ……………!
    I was going to order today
    Thank u with my heart to u all
    Sender Krunal Gupta (Surat, Gujarat)…..!

  355. Shophunk, Its fruad site , I am also cheated through a contest of wining of Samsung Galaxy mobile phone.

  356. have lost my money in the same website. i registered and recieved all the acknowledgement

    Thank you for shopping with us. Your transaction is successful.
    Congratulations…payment successful

    Thank you for participating in contest.You have successfully registered for shophunk contest . We will be updating you on the result by email .

    Rs.699 has been credited to your here to check your account

    Your shophunk Transaction Id : 4474823
    Note: Your username and password has been sent to your email id..

    For any kind of queries please call customer care: 08065476384 or

    But till date nothing is received.

  357. Paid Rs 699 as part of some online contest which was to be eligible for a lucky draw I phone 5. There was not announcement about it even after today. When i contacted them via phone today, they said the winner was already announced. When asked about my Rs 699, they simply said it was considered as part of the contest fees..

    After severely blasting them on such a unlawful practise and complaining that i will lodge a police complaint, they asked me to choose a product from their online catalog for Rs 699. Point blank, said they will not give cash back and asked me to take a product instead. So, selected a Credit Card holder that was at the exact Rs 699.

    Received the parcel today and its a complete waste of an item. In an unbelievably stupid dark purple color (completely different from what was shown online) and with markings over it (clearly showing that its an old product), they have completely cheated me (and prob hundred others). Something has to be done with these fraudsters


  359. Thank you all. I was about enter card details but felt something fishy and thought of terms and condition and couldn’t find much . Thought of checking and found this which was helpful. Sorry to hear your experiences but your updates are saving many.

  360. Thanks for sharing such a useful information. is doing it every day. Today, I also face the similar incident. While browing I receive an survay invitation and when I followed it, the following message appear:

    Thank you for your participation, we have the following products today: Friday, November 7, 2014. You may choose only (1) product of the list below.

    When I go inside I find the following:

    Contest – Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos I9082 :Pay & get a chance to win @ Rs. 499 MRP 22900/-
    ( Rs. 22401 OFF )

    It looks they are dong some kind of fraud.

  361. you guys want to get mobile of thousands only for hundreds,..vvery greedy..follow this site to know more about online scams

  362. is totally fraud. I have paid for Galaxy Grand duos Rs. 499. There is no response of customer care number 09019497799. Don’t participate in any contest.

  363. MOHAN LAL JAIN Avatar


  364. ARVIND KUMAR Avatar

    Thanks I was saved by this forum.

  365. Fraud Panda ……not Fab Panda

    Please don’t purchase any product from Fab panda ,they are fraud.They sent the product i purchased to Chennai instead of kerala.I purchassed last 22nd Oct and still i didn’d receive my product or money back.One highlighted feature is the
    customer care hope bunch of fools working,actually they don’t know the procedures their company is following
    everytime confusing the customer.So please pass the message to all to escape from these guys cheating.

    My mail conversation with the guys is below


    I had placed an Order (ID: #17066) on 22-oct-14 and still i didnt receive my product and any intimation regarding the courier.I need to know my order delivery status at the earliest as its already crossed the committed delivery date

    Hello Manesh,

    Thank you for shopping at

    Based on your concern we have cross checked the status and found that Unfortunately, the products you ordered are “Return to origin. While we had tried our best to deliver, Please confirm if you want the reshipment of the product we will do the same and details will be shared at your registered email id.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. If you have any further concern or queries, please feel free to contact our customer support team, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

    Seeking your co-operation.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Ajay – Customer Service


    Thanks for the reply

    Please do the needful for reshipment and share the details.

    Try to avoid further delay in delivery

    Expecting the delivery at the earliest

    Hello Manesh,

    Thank you for shopping at

    Based on your concern, We would like to inform you that once the product delivered at merchant end we will initiate refund in your account, once the order refunded. It will reflect in your bank/card statement in the following timeline:

    Credit Card Payments: 7-10 business days

    Debit Card Payments: 10 to 15 business days

    Net Banking Payments: 10-15 business days

    Cash On delivery Payments: 10-15 business days

    We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. If you have any further concern or queries, please feel free to contact our customer support team, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

    Seeking your co-operation.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Ajay rana – Customer Service


    Are you guys confusing the customer.In the trailing mail you only forwarded the option of reshipment and after one day you are replying about the money refund.

    Are you fooling me

    Reply required

  366. sudhindra kulkarni Avatar
    sudhindra kulkarni

    just now i got call 080-45124800,i won i phone,one girl asking money to pay 5999/- and they will send free gift @9000/- .i said i will give check,but she said she will accept check,only cash or credit card payment. when i get i phone 5s,then only i can pay money.
    she said…sorry…we can’t.

  367. I cant understand why there is no action taken on this site eventhough many complaints are raised for the last 2 years. Let me tell you my experience as well.
    This is the worst online shopping experience i had. This site is a fraud. You can forget your contest money. you wont be the winner because no such contest will be there. They will show some random names and cities stating the winners. It is because i have to waste my Rs.699, i have to purchase some product. Like wise i have purchased 2 Caps, which are not at all good. One seems that is a second hand piece. I don’t have any faith in this site. So, not returning back the product i had received.

  368. OMG! You saved me from getting cheated. I was about to pay Rs 699 for Samsung Grand worth 40k. Thought of checking it’s authenticity…and I am here!:))

  369. i also paid rs 499 for samsung galaxy duos at 499 rs only but i lost igot 499 rs like credit points but the items are above 500

  370. thnx for saving me frm thz fraud, Samsung s4 for 699?

  371. Thank you guys.. you saved my money and priceless time and worry..


  373. i also paid rs 499 for samsung galaxy duos at 499 rs only but i lost igot 499 rs like credit points but the items are above 500

  374. yes guys
    I was also one among those whom they tried to deceive me.
    I guessed it in my mind.So I did not respond to them.
    Thanks for ur suggsns which helped me to improve myconfedence.

  375. Respected Sir,
    We had ordered Kodak Non stick Fry pan at against product order no. 4643386 and the same was not received on the given address till date. is saying that the same was dispatched through your courier on 27 Nov 2014 and courier adresss is as under-


    Pincode : 411042

    Phone : 020-65113999

    Email :

    Tracking Number : B15886658

    Also courier mobile no. 02065113999 is not responding. Please ask to the and courier where the ordered item is or otherwise ask them to return my amount of Rs.799.00 at the earliest.
    My Contact no is 9923014182
    My address is
    Rahul Kumar Das,
    Qtr No. 82/15, kohima line,
    Thanking you

  376. satyendra kumar Avatar
    satyendra kumar

    shophunk द्वारा रिफंड से संबंधित कार्यवाही पूर्ण होने में लगभग एक महीने का समय लगता है। और Customer Care से संपर्क करने पर यह आश्‍वासन दिया जाता है कि दो दिन में आपका पैसा चेक के द्वारा वापस कर दिया जायेगा लेकिन ऐसा होता नहीं है ।

  377. Shophunk, Its fruad site , I am also cheated samsung deal

    i have paid full amount but still waiting my product, Somebody please help me

  378. elaru panathaiyum emathara shophunk mela action edunga

  379. I also paid Rs 499 for Samsung galaxy duos at Rs.499 only.But I lost. I got only the credit points for Rs.499 in their site. This is a fraud service.

  380. This is totally fraud company. I have also cheated by company they told me to deposit a sum of Rs.699.00 for hand set but they are fail to supply me the set and also not refunded my amount also

  381. This is totally fraud company. I have also cheated by company they told me to deposit a sum of Rs.699.00 for hand set but they are fail to supply me the set and also not refunded my amount also.

    ashu sharma

  382. is a biggest fraud site . Do not buy enything from this website

  383. Dear all of you who was cheated by the
    I have a solution for you…… Kindly read my case.
    I am also one of them who was cheated by the same site. i was ordered my philips juicer on 11-Oct-2013. i was waited for a month but when i not received, i called them to know my order status. They said you will receive in few days and you have to wait for 6-7 days more. They sent my product after 15 days which i was got on 04-Dec-2013 but when i opened, it was in total damage condition and there was so such a document with parcel like invoice and dispatched details to claim the warranty. So i called them and conveyed the matter about the condition of product which i got the from them. He told me return back to us and we will replace it. I sent it via indian speedpost on 6-Dec-2013 which they got on 10-Dec-2013. Thereafter my product was not replaced and not received from them after my many followup at there customer center. i got no response even from there too. Finally i got an idea i sent them feedback which is available in there own site, comment on there services. which they providing to us and said about my history. They call me on 6-Mar-2014… i told to them that i am going to the consumer furum that you have cheated me. They immediately sent my product again. I am very happy while received but when opened the product i saw it is same parcel which was i sent to them for replacement. At that time i realized that it is cheater organisation and i thought may be others are also be cheated by the same site and stop this thing again from this type of organisation. Now it hectic for me to sit ideal, I go to consumer court and file the case against him with 1,00,000/- of mental harassment and 5,000/- of Legal fees….. they call me back after the summons received them from court. they offering to me to take back your case i will pay you whatever your cost incurs. I said paid 50,000/- in lump sum to me for mental harassment. They was not interested to solve this matter. He offering me 1000/- , 2000/- or 3000/- only. But i rejected it and said if now you want to solve this matter at priority give me the said amount.
    The case is running at Nagpur, Still he not attained any case date. i am in final stage to get the decree again them. which may be near about 40,000/- to 45,000/-.

    I suggest to you guys go and try feedback option, if you not get response from them. Don’t sit ideal go to Consumer Forum at your nearest place. Sue against them.


  384. Totaly fraud company.
    Your money is lost if you buy anything form them.

  385. Thanx for giving important information

  386. Aw, this was an incredibly nice post. Spending some time and actual effort to make a great article… but what
    can I say… I put things off a whole lot and never manage to get nearly anything done.

  387. 8010806359 consider this no.
    here is another fraud

  388. 8010802243.this is a fraud no. Pls note this be carefull.they ask u to get ur parcel through post office this is very tough to find the sender

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