services disconnected but company send legal notice

Location/place: shankar nagar ,Raipur(chhattisgarh)

Name of company/service: Tata Teleservice Ltd

I Ravindra yadav want to complain against Tata Teleservices Ltd Branch Shankar Nagar, Raipur(chhattisgarh)where I submit a letter for disconnection of Tata Photon whiz No-9229162342, A/C No-930809410,on dated-05.11.2011 last billed amount-Rs-930.00 is paid reciept no-37353623 .
but the company lawer send me a legal notice on 15th march 2012 for Rs. 1059.00 again I contact the company branch and give their receiving and they said they will settle the a/c, but again after three month company advocate contact me and said my a/c shows outstanding in my a/c.
sir we have allredy paid and have a receiving or if there is any mistake the mistake is done by tata teleservices sankar nagar Raipur Branch
therefore requesting you to settle the matter as soon as possible.

thanking you

Ravindra Ydav



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