Serious damage of household luggage during transport thro Agarwal Packers

Location/place: kolkata

Name of company/service: agarwal packers and movers ltd

Pl. note that I have engaged M/s Agarwal Packers & Movers Ltd, for shifting of my household luggages from Bangalore to Kolkata vide Consignment No. 981482 on 02.05.2013 which has been reached in kolkata on 11.05.2013 but most of the things are in totally broken/damaged condition. As your company have taken around Rs. 40000/- payment before delivery & made insurance coverage of Rs. 50000/-, your eastern HQ Kolkata are not at all responding to the proper compensation/response towards damarage and making the things delayed inordinately and now not even responding to the phone calls. They have also not given any complaint no. inspite of repeated calls even in customer care nos.
Kindly help.


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