Sent me Fake and Faulty Prodcut

hi my name is krishna, on 2oth Feb i brouth a xiaomi powerbank 10400mah from website,and i recieved it on 27th feb, and after opening the product i found the product was faulty and i noticed that it was a fake product by checking it with xiamoi website,so then i wanted to return it , i made almost 5,6 coplaints to return the product yet i haven’t heard anything from them i tried to call their customercare number 91-89299-77633 no body was answering i tried almost 10 days, i wrote 6 mails but no use, can you please helpme out in this and take action against these people

their adress
Shopping Needs
Shopping Needs
Shopper Complex
Needs Tower, Ratia

Email: [email protected]

thanking you


(09885074567 mob)


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