Location/place: Baroda, Gujarat
Name of company/service: Reliance Communications
Madam/ Sir,
This is a complaint against Reliance Communications to send me court summon to Pay Rs. 5000 for the outstanding bills which are illegitimate.
I have mailed them requesting termination of my services on May 30th 2012 (request No. 180101232) and even paid the last bill ( billed till 18 June 2012 Bill No 283442289955). They suspended by services and didnt terminate it… after that they are constantly sending me bills of services which I am not using anymore. Today they sent me a court summon to pay Rs. 5000 amount or they will take a legal action. Please advice me am I legally liable to pay this summon amount even after clearly stating my termination request or can I legally complain against their action. Please reply me ASAP as the time for legal retaliation is limited. for evidences I have the mail i have sent them with the request No. and Bill No. and I also have their mail stating receipt of the termination request mail.
Please help me.
Gunjan Bhattacharya
[email protected]
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