salo se phone he baych dia

am kapil gupta that was…..the main i have send to panasonic…for my coplain….plzz…undersatnd my emotion in the main

i have made a mistake of perchasing a panasonic t-41 ….
becouse……i thought the company is good but the services provided
by you are worst…
i have a screen issue in my phone at 1 janurary…..
i submited the phone at………..chahat comunication,bhopal…service
center…..with a assurence in 15 day you would get your phone
back……and today 60 days have past………..
your idiot custmer care excative dont know any thing about the phone
for the past 60 days…..
and they keep on fooling…buy sing you would get a call
back…….with in 24 or 48 hours…..and of course on suunday you
dont work……..
hell you dont work in any day in week….
what hell service you are giving……its seem you have stolen my
phone………and seled it…
today i am going for the consumer forum…and for police fir….and
with addition i will write to every comapnys blog …like samsung and
micromax…every..and tell the falt i hade to perchase your fucking
i have called for the service center……and the coustmer
care……20 times in 60 days…….and hell you dont care,..

and rply me only when you have any information about my
phone……..and wait to see the legal action …i have collected
rupess for my phone and parchased it and you bastered…have shown
shuch bad response that i will make sure that any phone of my frn and
family is perchasing any panasonic device

my job sheel no is …..KJASPMP106115K283
IMEI NO -354533060068634

CONTACT NO…8871912156


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