Retail Co-operative Bank Ltd

Dear All,
This complaint is to inform all as there is a fake job opening in a fake bank
This person Mr Madan who acts as if he is the HR for Retail co-operative bank is such a fraud person who cheats each candidate to pay INR500 to the below account details as the job application Fees for the bank. Actually the address mentioned in the bank site is a fake address as there is no such bank at that place. The web address is also a fake and the site is not fully completed. As its a amount this person can easily cheat many people and it won’t go as a major issue. so beware of the cheater MR Madan.

Name of the Bank: Retail Co-operative Bank LTD(
Contact person :Mr.Madan:
contact number : 9738637222
Account Name: FVHPL (Face Value Hyper market pvt ltd)
ACCOUNT NO: 599501010050077
Bank Name: Union Bank of India
IFS Code: UBIN0559954

Address of the bank: Retail Co-Operative Bank Ltd

Level 9 Raheja Towers,
26-27 Mahatma Gandhi Road,
Bangalore, 560 001 KARNATAKA Tel:080 41800 800

Mail Us: [email protected]


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