Location/place: SRIMAGAR
Name of company/service: KINGFISHER AIRLINE
I, Zulfekar Alam, is a government employee and presently posted to Srinagar. I belongs to remote village of Bihar.
I booked air ticket on 08/09/2010 in Kingfisher Airline. The detail of flights are as follows.
(1) Flight No. IT-603, Journey date- 18/09/2010, Source- Kolkata, Destination- Delhi, Departure time- 0905 Hrs. Arrival time- 1120Hrs.
(2) Flight No. IT-354, Journey date- 18/09/2010, Source- Delhi, Destination- Srinagar, Departure time- 1200 Hrs. Arrival time- 1320Hrs.
The A PNR is DHNSQN and G PNR is W7MZCM for above mentioned ticket.
On 18/09/2010, in the morning when I reached to Kolkata airport then suddenly I came to know that the flight no.IT-354 is preponed / re-scheduled on the same date at 0955 hrs. The staff / Manager of kingfisher airline did not disclose to me even the reason for preponememt / rescheduled of said flight. Now, I was not able to catch the rescheduled flight being at Kolkata Air Port.
I requested them to manage me to reach Srinagar on the same day but they could not do so.They gave me two option, either you can have full refund or you too can have reschedule of your journey. i.e. on 19/09/2010.
At this moment , I had rescheduled of my journey on 19/09/2010. Its departure time from Delhi was 0955 Hrs and arrival time was 1320 Hrs at Srinagar. Thus, I reached Srinagar on 19/09/2010 at 1330 Hrs.
But,due to Sudden preponement / re-scheduled of flight, I suffered a lot, mentally and economically too as I hired taxi, stayed in hotel and had meals at Delhi. I became de-faulter in my organization because I could re-join my duty at right time on right date.
Kingfisher airline staff could had manage me to reach Srinagar on the same date.i.e. on 18/0902010 because other flights have flown to Srinagar on 18/09/2010.
So it is requested that I may be appropriately compensated for which I suffered mentally and economically too, at Delhi.
for the same I may be intimated on either my e-mail id- za9778@gmail.com or my mobile no.09569141595.
With thanks.
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