Location/place: SURAT< GUJARAT, 395009
Name of company/service: RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS
Aroon Desai
Mobile No: – 9898127543
Sub: – Request to provide new battery for Phone instrument Model No LSI 110.(LG Electronics )
Ref: – Service request ID 191073818 & ID 194277452.
Dear Sir,
I am having Reliance wireless land line “Hello phone No.0261-3257074”.For this I had been given, LG Electronics instrument Model No.LSI-110, by Reliance Communications. At present its battery gets discharge in just four five minutes, so I have to change my battery. For this I had written to customer care at custemercare@relianceada.com on 04/11/2012. They give me service request ID 191073818 but could not solve my problem and ask me to visit LG service center. I visited it but they are not having battery for my instrument as Reliance has asked them to stop manufacturing it.
Then I visited Reliance World store. They gave me another service request ID 194277452 and promise me that their service Engineer will visit my residence with in one week and solve my problem. But nobody has visited my residence.
So I lodge my complaint with consumer court forum. Due to this complaint, I receive a call from Mr. Washim, Executive Reliance communications, on 08/01/2013, from ph no’s 02230326200 & +912230388366. He promises me that, he will send the battery under question within three days at my residence. Now one week has already passed, but nobody has visited my residence.
From the above facts, one can say that instead of solving my problem, they are simply passing time without taking any concrete action. So you are requested to do need full in this matter.
Yours truly,
Aroon Desai.
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