REGUS is not refunding our security deposit of 3 Lakh even after we have vacated their space.

we were searching for an office space in NOIDA and came across REGUS who offered serviced offices. We thought it would be convenient and so booked an office in REGUS NOIDA. And then, every month they started charging us exorbitant bills for the services that we did not even use. Can you imagine 55 thousand Rs. for a person’s internet usage in one month, that too when the internet was not even used.

We paid all our bills on time, before time rather, still, they used to send us threatening mails saying if you do not pay your bills within 3 days, we will have to evacuate your office. After multiple calls with their accounts people, they used to say that we have received your payment but that e-mail is an automated e-mail so please ignore.

Finally, we decided to vacate their office and gave them one moth notice period. They asked us to leave immediately and denied paying our deposit of Rs. 3 Lakhs. We were totally out of business, no place to work, all out team members had to stay home and we faced a severe loss due to non functioning for almost 20 days.

We would recommend, entrepreneurs and freelancers, stay away from REGUS. They will eat away your money.


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