i dont know the exact process of goin to consumer court..can you tell me the same..will be thankful..
on march 16th i mail the address given on the consumer court site but still no reply from them..can you tell what action i can take regarding this mail and the shopkeeper..
[email protected]
date Mar 16, 2009 6:15 PM
Hello Sir/Mam
On 13th March i went to Lajpat Rai Market Delhi-06 to purchase raw material for my final year project..Sir their on SHOP NO. 614 named MEHTA AND BROTHERS i asked them some items that costing me RS 30..when i asked for the bill for the same they reffused me to give the bill..When i insist them to make the bill they talked me rudly by saying that “Govt say that the bill made should be above Rs 100..and they are not having the item for me”..sir i am resident of sector 6 Bahadurgarh Haryana..kindly tell me what i can do..so that we together can teach the lesson to the tax theif..can i put case regarding the same in Bahadurgarh or not..if to put case on which behalf i can put it..waiting for your reply..thanking you
why the mail not replied till now??..can i put an case against this also..coz it is govt department and they are not attending us..though we are paying them
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