problem in mobile phone

Location/place: kanpur

Name of company/service: Samsung

I bought Samsung galaxy Ace Dous on 11.11.2012 and after using it for a month i started facing problems with it.
I visited service center regarding that for which they replaced the motherboard after 2 days again i started facing problem with the touch of the same product for which i submitted my handset to the service department on 29th of december 2012. They assured me to deliver the product by 01.01.2013 but today its 04.01.2013 and i have still not received my product.
Service center executives are even not behaving properly regarding the product, they are not just bothered about our problem it seems so, am highly disappointed by the performance and working of both samsung product and service center people. My product is still in the service center and there is no reasonable time mentioned by your team that when it will be rectified.

I request you to kindly look into the matter and please replace my handset if possible as it is already giving so much of issues in the initial months of the purchase.

City: kanpur (Uttar Pradesh)


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