Power cutting by BSES

Location/place: Chattarpur

Name of company/service: GE


I have seen a number of complaints against BSES. I want to know what action is taken on our complaints.

If no action is taken then there is no use of waisting our time, in filing another complaints….i don’t see any explanation on the action to be taken against the fradulent companies.

During this summer season there has been extreme power cut by BSES….sometimes 10-12 hours. and when people call their customer care…either they disconnect the call or always give the explanation that plant at some or the other place is not functioning. If their plant doesn’t function 6 times a week, why people should pay the electricity bill.

when there is no proper service given to public BSES does not have any right to ask for bill.

Not just that…we hear that electricity rates will be increased in the near future.


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