Postpaid to Prepaid conversion delay/failed

Hi Team,This is R.Dhanunjaya. i have been as a postpaid customer to Airtel since more than 1year without any delay my payments.recently i planned to convert from postpaid to prepaid on 9th Nov 2013 at begumpet branch in hyd(as every airtel outlet is routing to Main branch).CC executive promised that conversion will be done within 72 hrs.Since then i have been contacting the cc executives for the status.Please find the reference numbers through which i have communicated since 13th Nov 2013.
13th Nov–1391645672
14th Nov–1392304465
17th Nov–1393863737
18th Nov–1394517158
18th Nov–1394774732
19th Nov–1395216999
19th Nov–1395403040
Finally on 18th Mid night postpaid was disconnected but new prepaid was not activated.Again started to communicate cc agent to know the status about the prepaid sim status,informed that it would take another 72 hours inorder to update the status on 19th Nov 2013.after 72 hours, on 21th Nov 2013 again checked with cc agents,finally said that the given prepaid sim was invalid please consult the same branch(actually i was at my hometown which is 500kms far away from the hyd).So i returned by cancelling all and consulted on 23rd Nov 2013.they have given new sim and said that need to wait 24 hours again(i don”t have any communication since 19th Nov 2013 with my parents/friend/teammates).On 25ht Nov 2013,informed that new sim also invalid one.NO other airtel outlets are accepting the requests.I never experienced this type of harassment throughout my life.

Airtel Office address: Bharti Airtel Limited, Splendid Towers, Opp.Begumpet Police Station, Begumpet, Hyderabad – 500 016,Andhra Pradesh


2 responses to “Postpaid to Prepaid conversion delay/failed”

  1. Namaste Mr. Rottel ,

    This is with reference to your post dated 26 November 2013.

    We are keen to resolve your concern; however, we will require your airtel account number along with an alternate contact number to resolve it effectively.

    Look forward to receiving the required details at

    Rakesh Kumar
    airtelpresence (airtel customer service team)
    bharti airtel ltd

    Connect with us 24X7. We will be happy to assist you with a swift resolution to your queries on all our products and services
    Twitter –
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  2. Namaste Mr. Rottel ,

    This is with reference to your post dated 26 November 2013.

    We were waiting to receive your contact details to enable us to address your concern.

    Since we have not heard back from you, we trust your issue has been resolved.

    If you require further information / assistance, please write to us at
    Rakesh Kumar
    Airtel.presence (airtel customer service team)
    bharti airtel ltd

    Connect with us 24X7 and we will be happy to assist you with a swift resolution to your queries on all our products and services

    Twitter –
    Facebook –

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