Postpaid Mibile connection

Location/place: Delhi

Name of company/service: Vodafone

This is to add that Mr. Nikhil (Mobile No. 9873903876) has called us for address verification immediately. As all are working in family, I suggested him to make the visit on 10:00 AM or after 5:00 PM on 06.03.2013. But he replied that he works between 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and it is not possible for him as he comes from Delhi. To this, I planned to reach my home by 4:30PM on 05.03.2013 and hence requested to make the call at that hour today itself. Again, he became adamant and reasoned that he has some other appointment and hence he can’t make a visit at 4:30 PM on 05.03.2013. Subsequently, he suggested to leave my rent agreement copy with my gate security personnals and he will make the visit as per his convenience and collect the same and complete my address verification. I was surprised to learnt the same and inquired why the Vodafone Store has not collected the same with us during document collection.

Subsequently, I requested him to give the exact time & date when he will make the visit as it may not be possible for us to leave our job to make us available all the time at home and wait for the completion of your physical verification of Vodafone. To this he replied that he is not sure and can inform only by tomorrow at 11:00 AM.

I am bit shocked to learnt how your officials are functioning. Evey action of your personnel is putting me to stress and harassment for no fault of mine. I am apprehensive, that again I will face non-service to my connection no. 9654173030.

It is requested to you to take back our request and refund our amount of Rs 250/-, we are fedup with your system.


One response to “Postpaid Mibile connection”

  1. Hello Payal,

    Please help us with your alternate contact number at and we will get back to you with assistance at the earliest.

    Vodafone Customer Care.

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