I have given you all the detail in trail, it has done all communication on mail which had made Pls go through and help me to resolve this.
Re: [Paytm Care] Re: Re: [|BAL|Ref08527529|] POSTPAID BILL AMOUNT DISPUTE
Oct 7 at 12:34 PM
Dear Concern,
Why are you not taking it seriously,
I didn’t get any kind reply till the time. Its too much irritating response.
No problem, if i don’t get resolution then will surely go for file the case in the consumer court.
Dheeraj Singh
From: Dheeraj singh
To: “care@paytm.com”
Sent: Saturday, 4 October 2014 4:28 PM
Subject: Fw: [Paytm Care] Re: Re: [|BAL|Ref08527529|] POSTPAID BILL AMOUNT DISPUTE
Dear Concern,
This is FYI a Print shot of received mails from your end of successful payment done, and still waiting for close the matter but i think not taking seriously that all.
I got the call from your executive and she was sure to close it within 24 hours but its over more then two days still same.
Kindly provide the escalation matrix or who will be the take care of it.
share mail id with name and contact number, will directly call them.
Dheeraj Singh
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “care@paytm.com”
To: Dheeraj singh
Sent: Saturday, 4 October 2014 6:54 AM
Subject: [Paytm Care] Re: Re: [|BAL|Ref08527529|] POSTPAID BILL AMOUNT DISPUTE
Regarding your experience with Paytm
Ticket #102993797: Re: [|BAL|Ref08527529|] POSTPAID BILL AMOUNT DISPUTE
Jeetendra, Oct 04 06:54:
Hi there,
Sorry for the delayed response.
We had a technical problem at our end, which has since been rectified. The issue faced by you has been resolved. In case you are still facing the problem, please do let us know.
Look forward to see you again at Paytm.
Best wishes
Team Paytm
Dheeraj singh, Oct 03 14:36:
Dear Concern,
Sharing the data as per Airtel for all deduction of amount from my Account.
S.no Amount Payment mode Payment date
1 Rs. 100 online 29-09-2014
2 Rs. 30 online 29-09-2014
3 Rs. 30 online 29-09-2014
4 Rs. 30 online 30-09-2014
5 Rs. 30 online 30-09-2014
6 Rs. 30 online 30-09-2014
but its not showing all transaction which i had done.
Its still showing due amount in Airtel account.
Dheeraj Singh
From: “care@paytm.com”
To: Dheeraj singh
Sent: Thursday, 2 October 2014 12:30 PM
Subject: Request received for: Re: [|BAL|Ref08527529|] POSTPAID BILL AMOUNT DISPUTE
Dheeraj singh, Oct 02 12:30:
Dear Concern,
First time Its very bad experience to use PAYTM website to pay Airtel postpaid bill.
I had paid One time Rs.100/- and Nine time Rs.30/- on 29-30 Sep 2014 and got the successful SMS / Mail on same day but still its showing due on Airtel.
Already discussed with Airtel Executives Mr. Samrat, Vijay and Senior Mr. Akshay.
Also got the reply on mail, you may go though with trail mail.
Now Pls confirm who is the responsible ?
Dheeraj Singh
From: “121@in.airtel.com”
To: er.dheerajsingh_217@yahoo.in
Sent: Wednesday, 1 October 2014 10:30 AM
Dear Dheeraj Singh,
Greetings from Airtel!
This is in reference to your email seeking status of payment made for your mobile number 9589230355.
I would like to inform you that payments made throughonline would be credited within2 working days. Once the payment is credited to your account, you will receive a confirmation SMS. You may also check the status of payment made by sending an SMS PAY to 121 (toll free). To view your bills/payment history/make future payments, you may login to https://airtel.in/121.
Should in case, you find that the payment is not credited to your account beyond 2 working days, please reply to us with the details of payment (mode of payment and the details required as per table below):
Payment Mode
Details Required
Online Payment/Net Banking
* Bank Statement showing debit if applicable
* Website name where the payment was made
* Transaction ID / Snapshot of transaction page
In order to trace your payment or coordinate with your bank, we require a pdf version of your bank statement. Snapshot of your internet banking portal may not suffice.
For your reference, I am including a summary of the last 3 payments received:
Invoice date
Due Date
Payment Date
Payment Type
For further queries, please do email.
Best Regards
Kruthika T
Service Specialist
“If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you may contact Appellate Authority with the SR number. Please click on http://airtel.in/applications/xm/MobileAppellateAuth.jsp for Appellate Authority details.”
———Original Message———-
From: er.dheerajsingh_217@yahoo.in
To: 121@in.airtel.com
Sent: 01/10/2014 10:22:40 AM
Subject: Postpaid bill amount
Dear Concern,
As per discussed with your executive Mr. SAMRAT,
The matter is that My this month Airtel postpaid bill was Rs.396/- and
yesterday i had paid Rs.370/- through PAYTM website and its showing all the
payment has been successfully done but on your Airtel website its showing
Rs.146/- due till the time, so why is it creating dispute while i have all
confirmation mails, it should be only Rs.26/- due.
Mob.No.- 9589230355
Name- Dheeraj Singh
Mail id.- er.dheerajsingh_217@yahoo.in
Dheeraj Singh
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