Sir, I’m having 4 Vodafone connections. Since last three months inspite of my credit balance and credit limit provided by Vodafone, my out going services stopped. I made no. of requests, but there is no response at all. Besides my credit balance, my credit balance is about 1700/ upto this month. I can provide series of E-Mail communications (about 25 mails). On telephonic communications they r giving promise to resolve my problem very soon, but it has no result as on date. Finaly I tried to switch to Idea and send requests, my requests are rejected. I’m 60 years old and my wife has undergone serious surgery. You can understand my problem, this time I have not phone for communication, neither they leave me nor provide services. This is actake on right human rights. My numbers are 9898367174, 9898290108, 9601267174, 9727791974. sir, anytime I may require communication services, pl. advice what to do ? Should I go for litigation ? Pl. let me know where to upload documents ?


2 responses to “Poor Response”

  1. Idea Cellular Avatar
    Idea Cellular

    Dear Customer,

    We have noted your concern. Please give us some time to get back to you.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Customer Care, Idea Cellular

  2. Idea Cellular Avatar
    Idea Cellular

    Dear Customer,

    As per your telecon with our customer service associate on 11th Sept 2015, we wish to affirm that your aforesaid concern has been discussed and addressed. For further assistance, kindly contact our Idea customer care helpline.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Customer Care, Idea Cellular

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