Location/place: DELHI
Name of company/service: ICICI PRUD.LIC COMPANY LTD.
I would like to draw your attention towards ICICI Prud. LIC co. Ltd. of its Policy No.10347841.I was purchased the above policy on Dec.4,2008 from its agent (name-Hunny luthra,he was holding Phone No.9211016008 at icici bank,Anand Vihar,Delhi)then he told me it is a one time investment plan and there is no any charges on this policy,he told me it is a very good policy, according to his statement,I purchased the policy.After purchasing the policy,I had gone to abroad, when I came back after few months, then I read the policy doc. & saw it was a regular plan, no time was balance of 15 days to stop the policy.I was mis-guided by agent,he sold the policy by mischiviously.I have paid only one installment yearly Rs 100000/-(Rupees one lac only).
As per my above facts, I would like to request, kindly help me to take the refund of Policy No. 10347841.
I have given written complaint to Grievience Reressal committee of ICICI Prud.LIC co. Ltd to its office Karkar Dooma-delhi,but no specific reply has been found only on standard format reply found from the company.
Best regards,
Ph. 9971252032
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