Location/place: mumbai
Name of company/service: Poddarkennel pets pvt ltd.
I am taking the time and effort to write this not to malign any business or persons but to prevent other people from going through the bad experience i have been through.
hi! my name is shailesh andrade 09821162564 from mumbai. i had used the services of aditi and bijoy poddar of poddar kennels to help me import an american pitbull terrier. the following are my experiences with them
1) the dog shown on the photo and the dog sent to me were not the same. This ofcourse was no problem to me because i had requested them repeatdely to select a good dog using their judgement and experience once they saw the litter.
2) the dog arrived on the promised date and time in a good crate which i collected from cargo as instructed.
3) i removed the dog from the crate to find it had a skin infection on the LH front leg and RH hind leg.
4) the dog had noticable heat boils on its head which were caused either from strong antibiotics to last the journey or eating market waste which was fed to it.
5) the pedigree certificate was issued from a non recognized kennel in thailand which apparently issues only certificates and is black listed in thailand.
6) the vaccination card provided was misleading cos although the dog was vaccinated against the parvo virus it developed a full blown parvo infestation and died after 3 days of suffering in hospitalization.
7) aditi and bijoy once aware of what happened have blocked my number on their cell phones which is the only way to contact them and also have blocked my mail id.
i do not know aditi and bijoy and i will refrain on commenting on them since i have never met them however as experienced dog handlers they have failed miserably in delivering in what was promised. did they cheat? maybe. poddar kennels is a business driven kennel which believes in maximising profits by reducing their purchase prices ofcourse while overcharging us the consumers.
they buy their dogs from a filthy dirty market, forge papers and dispatch them with the cover of their name. follow this link to get an idea from where poddar kennels gets their stock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbCyjlIImqs
dogs purchased like this are disease ridden, infested and pumped with penicillin to last the journey till the dog reaches you then its the dogs death in your hands.
my wife and i lost our baby some time back after severe complcations and we hoped a canine companion would cheer the both of us. poddar kennels greed for money left us shattered once again dealing with another death in the house damaging us both mentally and emotionally.
the above is my experience dealing with poddar kennels exactly as it happened. It is written only to warn prospective clients with malice to none.
If you are a dog lover and feel strongly about killing this fraud kind of business please post the link to my review on every poddar kennels ad you come across.
incase you doubt my review, please mail me at shailesh.andrade@gmail.com and i will send you scanned copies of poddar kennels invoice, import papers on bijoy poddar name, fake thailand kennel club papers, mumbai vet report and post mortem report of the pup.
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