Please don’t buy any Philips TV, They are not worth for free

Location/place: Ghaziabad

Name of company/service: Philips LED TV

It is genuine request , please don’t buy any Philips TV, They are not worth of a single rupee, they are liability on you, their service has LESS THAN ZERO points , I bought one LED tv spending Rs.1,30,000 with 2 year warranty, that tv stopped working within few day of arrival after a lots of effort (around 3 months) we got new tv and that tv stopped working after 2 days of arrival and again after LOTS LOTS OF EFFORT (around 4 months) we got new tv as replacement and that new tv dint work for SINGLE MINUTE, when they install it IT WAS NOT WORKING … and guess one thing they dint pick any of tv from my house all 3 tvs are at my home and just reminding us daily what a BIG MISTAKE we have done by spending Rs.1, 30, 000 and its been more than 1 YEAR still no solution. Every time i call them they said we will let you know next day and NEXT DAY NEVER COME


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