Location/place: Pune
Name of company/service: Airtel
I recharged my airtel account with Rs-252/-(1GB 3G validity-1Month), Court has ordered airtel to stop 3G(as Airtel will be doing some things illegally), If airtel was not able to provide with the 3G service then it should have rejected the recharge. But when i recharged my account it did not reject it and gave me 1GB data but it is getting used up at 2G speeds which sucks.
I tried calling the customer care, but the customer care executive fooled me by saying that he is taking my complaint and the same issue will be resolved within 24 hours. Actually he did not take any complaint as i did not get any complaint ID.
If airtel is charging me and not providing me the service then ideally airtel should provide me with a refund for the immense mental harassment.
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