Location/place: jabalpur
Name of company/service: teleone : no addiction
I had purchased a product called “‘No Addiction’ from teleone services . It has been almost a year and the product is already been used.
Since the last two months I have been getting calls from the customer care service of Teleone company, the very first time I though they must be taking my feedback over the product, but rather than taking a feedback and talking to the point the customer care executives use slang language to talk, they usually talk pathetically to female customers by calling them on phone.
the questions usually asked to me are : ”
“are you a married women ? ”
“does your money grows on trees? ”
“why would you consult the doctor and not believe me? ”
These questions were asked to me in a very abusive manner in hindi . I was trying to warn them but every time i did they use bad language to reply.
once they asked me ” What was the cause of addiction? ” , i said “cigarette ” , they replied in a slang ” why didn’t you go for Beedi ? ”
The number by which I usually get calls is : +911133250200
The person who last talked to me from tele one was somebody named : Mithun
Please take some sever action as this kind of happenings are not always acceptable, Please e make some betterment for we the indian citizens .
I wish that the actions would be taken as soon as possible.
the link to teleone is : http://www.teleone.in/
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