number barred

Location/place: delhi

Name of company/service: vodafone

i have two vodafone number one is data card number(9999411679) and 2nd is my personal number(9999181583),when i take data card number then vodafone gave me 6 gb data free for three month and commited me when your free data is end then customer care cantact you on your alternate number,after three month vodafone send me bill of 4793 rs.i call customer care he tell me is your bill and you use .i dont pay bill,then vodafone also close my other number services,
so pls help me sir


One response to “number barred”

  1. Hello Parag,

    Please be informed that the charges are accurate and as per the usage. Thus, we will not be able to provide a reversal.

    Vodafone Customer Care, Delhi & NCR

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