Not able to use internet properly since 18-Dec-2014 and waiver is also not provided


This is Rajendra Nalamati using Tikona Internet Broadband service under user-id 1111121513 Since 18-Dec-2014 I am facing issue of either very low speed or no internet. I called the tikona helpline multiple times. In jan-2015 I lodged a complaint in consumer forum. Eventhen, the problem is not solved. Everytime I call the tikona helpline, they reply that the problem will be solved in 24hrs and also a permanent solution will be proided. But there are no such efforts. Now-a-days, I call them almost daily. Below are the tickets raised.

18 dec 1-3313905288 – i was told the issue will be resolved in 24hrs. But the ticket was inprogress on 31st Dec
22 dec 1-3318133956
28 dec 1-3323594160

28 Dec Waiver request 1-3323713602 1-3326905356. Both rejected as tikona said net is working. Only GOD knows.
29 Dec linked to 28 Dec
12 jan 1-3340725882 network issue
28 Jan 1-3357919721
10 feb – 1-3373168011
18 feb – 1-3381375066
23 feb – 1-3388066002
26 feb – 1-3391584241 talked with manager kaushal patil. No use.
23-Mar – 1-3422486439 – I was told a engineer will be sent in 24hrs. That never happened.

I tried escalating to next level. But there are no esclation contacts for tikona. The executives never let the customers to talk to manager level or higher to that. They simply say that no manager is available right now or they are busy. They do forward to seniors but they have same knowledge as the executives. In short, they are unable to solve my problem since 18-Dec-2014

Please do consider my complaint as important one and take serious action.

Rajendra Nalamati


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