Non working Haier 32 inch LCD Tv set

Location/place: Kolkata

Name of company/service: Haier

On 12/03/2013 I bought a Haier LCD TV, model L32M3A from Southcity Mall, Kolkata. On 13th, i.e. the next day Haier personnel from Service Centre at Kolkata came and installed it. But on operation it was found to be a non working set.
The Service centre personnel inspected the same and intimated us that the whole circuit has to be changed which they don’t have with themselves and has to be ordered from delhi, which will take atleast 10 to 11 days time.
Hence we approached Southcity Spencer’s retail authority and requested them to change the tv set. which they diclined to entertained and informed us that anything, whatsoever to do with the set will be done by manufacturing company only once the product is sold.
Hence we again approached the Service centre of Haier in kolkata and they suggested that they will raise a complaint with the company to replace the set, which will be done once they get the approval for the same and will take much less time, around 3 to 4 days. So we agreed and waited. But even after waiting for 8 days we are not contacted by any official of Haier or our set has not been repaired or changed.
I have two senior citizen at my place, my parents, who has no entertainment other than watching serials on the tv. They can not go anywhere due to poor health and doctor’s advice.
I have been harrassed by the manufacturing company of a faulty product and I request a quick relief through you. I also would like to state that I don’t want the product that I bought from Spencer’s of Haier and would request you to direct them to take it back.
If this is the service quality I get of a new product under warranty, I don’t want to be related to such company in anyways.
I would request your kindself to help me get my refund with proper compensation for my harrassments.
My Complaint refrence number which I received through SMS from Haier is as below:
Ref. No. KOL1303140024 dated 14th March 2013.
Details of purchase voucher as below:
Bill No.-44967 dated 12/03/2013 time-11:54:22 AM, Shift-1, Cashier-10001620 amounting to Rs. 17990.
Subhra Sankha Mukherjee
+91 9830884237


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