Location/place: Mehsana,Gujarat
Name of company/service: AFRAH Mobiles Pvt. Ltd,Chennai
My Name: Devendra J Patel
Dear Sir,I have purchase a mobile from www.afrahmobiles.com on 18/06/2012.But the product is undelivered after 7 working days.In order status of my account is shows “Ready for Shipping” yet.I have tried all the Customer Care Numbers given on the website but no one has received the call,you can also try on these phone number.Also send mails 3 times on customer.care@afrahmobiles.com , but did not get any positive reply.I have paid through credit card.My payment has been deducted.Please help me.My order no. is 244340.Please help me.
Company Name : Afrah Mobiles Pvt Ltd
Company Headquartered : Chennai, India.
Email – customer.care@afrahmobiles.com
Phone – +91 44 4273 5029 / +91 44 2811 3656.
Mobile – +91 8939299160
Address : AFRAH Mobiles Pvt. Ltd.
No. 127L/235, Avvai Shanmugam Salai,Gopalapuram, Chennai – 600 086.
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