Location/place: FARIDABAD
Name of company/service: INDIAN BANK & UCO BANK
This is Pallav Rahul my a/c num is 764614058 of Inian Bank faridabad branch i transferred amount of Rs 3000 through net banking using neft the transaction id being- IDIBH12203173758, on 21st july 2012 i.e is saturday but till today i.e on 25th july 2012 the amount has not been credited in the benificiary account num being-18140100003463, ifsc code- UCBA0001814, UCO BANK, I HAVE SENT SEVERAL EMAILS TO INDIAN BANK NEFT HELPLINE AS WELL AS UCO BANK & ALSO RBI NEFT HELPLINE BUT STILL NOTHING HAS HAPPEND THIS HAS BECOME SERIOUS CONCERN FOR ME COZ MY AMOUNT HAS BEEN DEDUCTED FROM MY ACCOUNT BUT HAS NOT REACHED TO THE BENIFICIARY STILL.
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