MyCarHelpLine || Running racket and do not provide Car service for which it is commited

Location/place: Gurgaon

Name of company/service: MyCarHelpLine


I got membership of my car helpline for two cars and paid for registration . On Many occasions ( 21Sep, 22 Sep 2012) my car broke down and I tried for four hours to contact them. After contacting , it has been four hours and I had been waiting but no one had contacted me . And I constantly calling up.
Request my complaint to be registered – I am so mentally harassed and my whole family , 2 small kids had suffered so much because of the non service of the my car assistance

my email id is and my phone number is 09999976815

Nishant Giri
M: 09999976815


3 responses to “MyCarHelpLine || Running racket and do not provide Car service for which it is commited”

  1. Harish chadda Avatar
    Harish chadda

    You may visit for raising this issue. This is a very effective portal for resolving complaints

  2. Harish chadda Avatar
    Harish chadda

    ou may visit for raising this issue. This is a very effective portal for resolving complaints..

  3. My car Road assistance helpline – i have found many complaints over net – infact worst they try using some other company and site name mycarhelpline in promotion – where as they are actual mycarassistance . We should raise a police complaint against this fraud mycarassistance – There official site is

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